Under Sharia, no dissenting voices are allowed. This is the sinister agenda behind “Islamophobia” campaigns in the West: to stigmatize and rule out of acceptable discourse even the slightest critical word about Sharia and even about jihad terror. With the willing compliance of the mainstream media, this campaign is well on its way to attaining its goals of silencing all criticism of Islam.
“Tony Pua Ticked Off For Chiding Fatwa On Valentine’s Day,” from Bernama, February 18 (thanks to Twostellas):
SHAH ALAM, Feb 18 (Bernama)
Selangor Perkasa has called for action to be taken against Selangor DAP chairman Tony Pua for allegedly chiding the National Fatwa Council’s edict forbidding Muslims from celebrating the Valentine’s Day, recently.
Its president, Abu Bakar Yahya said Pua’s remarks posted on his blog and Facebook were provocative as they could enrage Muslims.
“We cannot remain silent as Pua has insulted Muslims and his remarks might undermine harmony,” he told reporters after lodging a police report against Pua over the remarks at the Shah Alam police headquarters here today.
Abu Bakar said Pua not only rebuked the council for declaring the Valentine’s Day as haram (forbidden) but also ridiculed the Islamic Development Department.
“We hope Pua will not interfere in Islamic matters as we should respect each other religion,” he added.
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Thursday, February 20, 2014
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Bangladesh: Al-Qaeda calls for jihad against anti-Islam secular government
Note how similar al-Zawahiri’s rhetoric here is to “Palestinian” jihadist rhetoric retailing grievances against Israel and claiming that Muslims are being massacred, etc. In the absence of a caliph, all jihad activity has to be cast as defensive, because in Sunni Islam only the caliph has the authority to declare offensive jihad. Thus the same notes tend to be sounded in all jihadist appeals.
Note also that al-Qaeda seems to think that secular government is incompatible with Islam. They must be reading the writings of greasy Islamophobes. “al-Qaeda urges resistance in Bangladesh,” from the Daily Star, February 15 (thanks to Maxwell):
Alleging that thousands of people are being killed in the streets of Bangladesh for protesting against a “collusion of the anti-Islam secular government”, al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri has invited people to “confront this crusader onslaught against Islam[.]”
The Daily Star could not independently verify the authenticity of the message.
The call came in an audio message posted by al-Qaeda’s media production house ‘As-Sahab Media’ on a website jihadology.net, which promotes jihad (war for religious cause) across the globe.
“A massacre of Muslims is being carried out these days, and the Muslim world is totally oblivious to it. The western media is colluding with the killers to belittle its significance and hide the facts,” Zawahiri said in the message.
The message titled ‘Bangladesh: A Massacre Behind a Wall of Silence’, contains photographs from Hefajat-e Islam programmes and law enforcers action on them.
It also carries statements of Maulana Abdul Rasheed Ghazi, a Pakistani cleric who was killed during security forces’ operation on July 5, 2011, and Palestinian Sunni Islamic scholar Imam Abdullah Azzam, who was killed by a car bomb blast on November 24, 1989.
“This is the bloodbath taking place in Bangladesh, without the Muslims paying the least attention to it,” said the al-Qaeda chief who took over the helm of the terrorist militant outfit after the killing of Osama bin Laden on May 2, 2011 at a house in Abottabad in Pakistan.
“Bangladesh is the victim of the conspiracy in which the agents of India, the corrupt leadership of the Pakistan army, and treacherous power hungry politicians of Bangladesh and Pakistan, who are always prepared to sacrifice everything for the sake of fulfilling their ambitions and desires, were all equal participants,” Zawahiri said.
However, the real victim was the Muslim Ummah in the subcontinent generally, and in Pakistan and Bangladesh specifically, the Egyptian physician insisted.
“The crimes that are being committed in Bangladesh today against the core beliefs of Islam, the Prophet of Islam (pbuh), and the Muslim Ummah are only the fruits of the rotten seeds sown by these criminals.
“Their purpose was not independence from Pakistan, stopping the aggression against the people of Bangladesh, or getting rid of military rule in Pakistan. None of these was the real objectives, even if these criminals took cover behind these slogans, parroted these lines, and propagated these out of their malevolence or stupidity, or due to both. None of this was the real purpose.”
The real purpose was weakening the Muslim Ummah in the subcontinent, said the al-Qaeda chief.
“It was to rip the Muslim Ummah apart into pieces, and lead it to death by getting it entangled in mutual strife, regional conflicts and wars. Above all, their purpose was to attack the real capital of this Ummah, and the secret of its strength: the Islamic faith.”
What is taking place today in Pakistan, Bangladesh, India and Afghanistan is “only a prelude to the execution of this evil plan, and the aforementioned criminals are the tools of the enemies of Islam in this vile conspiracy”, he said.
“Those who massacred the Muslims in Bangladesh only yesterday are the same people who are massacring the Muslims in Pakistan today. Similarly, those who allied with India against Pakistan by claiming that they sought to defend the honour and sanctities of Bengalis are the same people who are attacking the sanctities, beliefs, honour, lives and properties of Bengalis today.”
Continues Zawahiri: “They claimed that they created Pakistan more than 60 years ago to defend Islam and Muslims in the subcontinent. Today we have a Pakistan that has no Shariah, no independence and no honour.
“Its government, army, intelligence, police and judiciary act as mercenaries hired to defend the interests of the crusader onslaught in South Asia.”
Similarly, they claimed that they created Bangladesh more than 40 years ago to protect the independence, glory, honour and freedom of its people, he said.
“But today we see Bangladesh turning into a huge prison in which the sanctities, honour, dignity and sacred places of Muslims are violated. Their lives are put at stake, and they are tortured in defence of the crusader onslaught, which is fighting Islam politically, militarily and ideologically.”
Bangladesh, which they claimed to have won from Pakistan so that it may get its freedom, is being turned into a subjugated surrogate of India, the Islamist theologian alleged.
“These anti-Islamic policies that assail Islamic beliefs, symbols and the noble Prophet of Islam (pbuh), are only a manifestation of complete subjugation to India.”
The events in Bangladesh enjoy the blessings of both India and America, since their interests in fighting Islam overlap, and this is why their bilateral relations are becoming stronger day by day.
This is the bitter truth that we must be aware of, so that we can take the first step on the road to freeing ourselves from this misfortune, humiliation and subservience to foreign powers.
Zawahiri alleged that thousands of people are being killed in the streets of Bangladesh “without any guilt, except that they have come out to protest against the collusion of the anti-Islam secular government with a bunch of transgressing secularists who are heaping insults and vulgar abuses on Islam and the Prophet of Islam (pbuh)”.
“Hundreds of callers to the religion and scholars are also facing hardships, manhunts, imprisonment, trials, death sentences and life imprisonments without any guilt except that they have taken a stand against the agents of this crusader onslaught, who are being used as tools by the leading criminals of the western world to distort the image of Islam and poke fun at this religion, its prophet and beliefs.”
He invited Muslims in Bangladesh “to confront this crusader onslaught against Islam, which is being orchestrated by the leading criminals in the subcontinent and the West against Islam, the Prophet of Islam and the Islamic creed, so that they may turn you into slaves of a despotic and disbelieving system”.
“The system which they want to impose on you seeks to enslave mankind, steal the resources and divide it into segments with its hellish and brutal apparatus.”
Source: Jihadwatch
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Note also that al-Qaeda seems to think that secular government is incompatible with Islam. They must be reading the writings of greasy Islamophobes. “al-Qaeda urges resistance in Bangladesh,” from the Daily Star, February 15 (thanks to Maxwell):
Alleging that thousands of people are being killed in the streets of Bangladesh for protesting against a “collusion of the anti-Islam secular government”, al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri has invited people to “confront this crusader onslaught against Islam[.]”
The Daily Star could not independently verify the authenticity of the message.
The call came in an audio message posted by al-Qaeda’s media production house ‘As-Sahab Media’ on a website jihadology.net, which promotes jihad (war for religious cause) across the globe.
“A massacre of Muslims is being carried out these days, and the Muslim world is totally oblivious to it. The western media is colluding with the killers to belittle its significance and hide the facts,” Zawahiri said in the message.
The message titled ‘Bangladesh: A Massacre Behind a Wall of Silence’, contains photographs from Hefajat-e Islam programmes and law enforcers action on them.
It also carries statements of Maulana Abdul Rasheed Ghazi, a Pakistani cleric who was killed during security forces’ operation on July 5, 2011, and Palestinian Sunni Islamic scholar Imam Abdullah Azzam, who was killed by a car bomb blast on November 24, 1989.
“This is the bloodbath taking place in Bangladesh, without the Muslims paying the least attention to it,” said the al-Qaeda chief who took over the helm of the terrorist militant outfit after the killing of Osama bin Laden on May 2, 2011 at a house in Abottabad in Pakistan.
“Bangladesh is the victim of the conspiracy in which the agents of India, the corrupt leadership of the Pakistan army, and treacherous power hungry politicians of Bangladesh and Pakistan, who are always prepared to sacrifice everything for the sake of fulfilling their ambitions and desires, were all equal participants,” Zawahiri said.
However, the real victim was the Muslim Ummah in the subcontinent generally, and in Pakistan and Bangladesh specifically, the Egyptian physician insisted.
“The crimes that are being committed in Bangladesh today against the core beliefs of Islam, the Prophet of Islam (pbuh), and the Muslim Ummah are only the fruits of the rotten seeds sown by these criminals.
“Their purpose was not independence from Pakistan, stopping the aggression against the people of Bangladesh, or getting rid of military rule in Pakistan. None of these was the real objectives, even if these criminals took cover behind these slogans, parroted these lines, and propagated these out of their malevolence or stupidity, or due to both. None of this was the real purpose.”
The real purpose was weakening the Muslim Ummah in the subcontinent, said the al-Qaeda chief.
“It was to rip the Muslim Ummah apart into pieces, and lead it to death by getting it entangled in mutual strife, regional conflicts and wars. Above all, their purpose was to attack the real capital of this Ummah, and the secret of its strength: the Islamic faith.”
What is taking place today in Pakistan, Bangladesh, India and Afghanistan is “only a prelude to the execution of this evil plan, and the aforementioned criminals are the tools of the enemies of Islam in this vile conspiracy”, he said.
“Those who massacred the Muslims in Bangladesh only yesterday are the same people who are massacring the Muslims in Pakistan today. Similarly, those who allied with India against Pakistan by claiming that they sought to defend the honour and sanctities of Bengalis are the same people who are attacking the sanctities, beliefs, honour, lives and properties of Bengalis today.”
Continues Zawahiri: “They claimed that they created Pakistan more than 60 years ago to defend Islam and Muslims in the subcontinent. Today we have a Pakistan that has no Shariah, no independence and no honour.
“Its government, army, intelligence, police and judiciary act as mercenaries hired to defend the interests of the crusader onslaught in South Asia.”
Similarly, they claimed that they created Bangladesh more than 40 years ago to protect the independence, glory, honour and freedom of its people, he said.
“But today we see Bangladesh turning into a huge prison in which the sanctities, honour, dignity and sacred places of Muslims are violated. Their lives are put at stake, and they are tortured in defence of the crusader onslaught, which is fighting Islam politically, militarily and ideologically.”
Bangladesh, which they claimed to have won from Pakistan so that it may get its freedom, is being turned into a subjugated surrogate of India, the Islamist theologian alleged.
“These anti-Islamic policies that assail Islamic beliefs, symbols and the noble Prophet of Islam (pbuh), are only a manifestation of complete subjugation to India.”
The events in Bangladesh enjoy the blessings of both India and America, since their interests in fighting Islam overlap, and this is why their bilateral relations are becoming stronger day by day.
This is the bitter truth that we must be aware of, so that we can take the first step on the road to freeing ourselves from this misfortune, humiliation and subservience to foreign powers.
Zawahiri alleged that thousands of people are being killed in the streets of Bangladesh “without any guilt, except that they have come out to protest against the collusion of the anti-Islam secular government with a bunch of transgressing secularists who are heaping insults and vulgar abuses on Islam and the Prophet of Islam (pbuh)”.
“Hundreds of callers to the religion and scholars are also facing hardships, manhunts, imprisonment, trials, death sentences and life imprisonments without any guilt except that they have taken a stand against the agents of this crusader onslaught, who are being used as tools by the leading criminals of the western world to distort the image of Islam and poke fun at this religion, its prophet and beliefs.”
He invited Muslims in Bangladesh “to confront this crusader onslaught against Islam, which is being orchestrated by the leading criminals in the subcontinent and the West against Islam, the Prophet of Islam and the Islamic creed, so that they may turn you into slaves of a despotic and disbelieving system”.
“The system which they want to impose on you seeks to enslave mankind, steal the resources and divide it into segments with its hellish and brutal apparatus.”
Source: Jihadwatch
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Tuesday, February 11, 2014
UK: Muslim gets three years prison dawah for jihad murder plot against Prince Harry

“Convicted criminal who plotted to kill Prince Harry jailed for three years,” from The Guardian, February 10 (thanks to Renko):
A convicted criminal who plotted to kill Prince Harry has been jailed.
Ashraf Islam, 31, said he had a “moral right to judge” the royal because he disagreed with the work of the British Armed Forces, of which Prince Harry is a member.
The judge at Isleworth Crown Court in London described Islam’s plot as “vague and unlikely to succeed”, but said he presented a risk to the public.
Islam, of no fixed address but who had been living in west London, was handed a three-year jail term.
Islam pleaded guilty to making a threat to kill Prince Harry, at Uxbridge Magistrates Court in May last year.
He had earlier handed himself in to police and volunteered the information about the plot, defence counsel Roxanne Morrell said.
Judge Richard McGregor-Johnson, the recorder for the royal borough of Kensington and Chelsea, said he would not go over details of Islam’s plot.
But he told the court during the brief hearing: “This was not a threat made in isolation.
“The examination of your computer revealed you conducted research on his (Prince Harry’s) whereabouts and intentions.
“You had given the matter considerable thought.”
He added: “The reason behind that is that you thought he and other serving officers had some moral guilt, and you thought you had a moral right to judge.
“I accept that there is nothing here that could be described as professional plans as to your expressed intentions.
“Your plan was vague and unlikely to succeed.”
But the judge said police would have intervened had Islam, who has previous convictions for dishonesty and for involvement in an attempted robbery, attempted to carry out his plan.
The judge said he considered a longer sentence, but said it would have been deemed “excessive”….
It certainly would have been at a time when Great Britain is doing everything it can to appease Islamic supremacists. Britain’s new masters might have found a longer sentence “Islamophobic.”
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Monday, February 10, 2014
UK's Guardian campaigns against female genital mutilation while whitewashing Islamic justifications for it
How can the Guardian realistically expect to end this practice if it is afraid to expose the Islamic justifications for it? No, Muslims did not invent female genital mutilation, and are not the only people who practice it. But they are the only group whose theological and legal traditions contain justification for it. Until that changes, many more women will fall victim to this practice, no matter what the Guardian does.
Muhammad is said to have justified the cutting of women’s genitals: “A woman used to perform circumcision in Medina. The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said to her: Do not cut severely as that is better for a woman and more desirable for a husband.” (Sunan Abu Dawud 41.5251) The problem with this is that the distinction between cutting and cutting severely is subjective.
Some Islamic authorities say that this is a weak hadith. That’s wonderful. I hope they manage to convince every Muslim authority in the world that this is the case. Unfortunately, many remain misunderstanders of Islam. A few examples:
Gambia: “Alhaji Abdoulie Fatty, the Imam of State House Mosque has rebuted [sic] claims published on 1st June edition of the Daily observer, entitled ‘Female Genital Cutting Unislamic’ as utter rubbish.” — Gambia’s Daily Observer, June 6, 2007
Egypt: “Omayma Idris, a Cairo-based gynaecologist, says that more than 90 percent of all married Egyptians today are thought to have undergone mutilation. After the prohibition, she says, one could see a decline, ‘but since the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamists are in power in Egypt, the numbers are on the rise again; they encourage families to do it again.’…Salafists and representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood – the political home of Egypt’s President Mohamed Mursi – want to see female genital mutilation legalized again.” — Deutsche Welle, November 23, 2012
The late Sheikh Muhammad Sayyed Tantawi of Egypt’s venerable Al-Azhar University once called circumcision “a laudable practice that did honor to women.”
Indonesia: “The the Muslim intellectual Sumanto Al Qurtuby says the faction that supports tetesan [female genital mutilation] is linked to the Salafi and Wahhabi community, which together with other fundamentalist groups are concentrated in Bandung and Aceh. They believe that circumcision is ‘morally’ encouraged by Sharia, or Islamic law, and reiterated in the hadith, in anecdotes related to the life of the Prophet Muhammad.” — Asia News, December 7, 2012
Australia: “Islamic law permits by definition, by prophetic statement and by practice female circumcision” — Australian Imam Afroz Ali, The Australian, December 24, 2012
There is also justification for the practice in Islamic law:
“Circumcision is obligatory (for every male and female) (by cutting off the piece of skin on the glans of the penis of the male, but circumcision of the female is by cutting out the bazr ‘clitoris’ [this is called khufaadh 'female circumcision']).” — ‘Umdat al-Salik e4.3, translated by Mark Durie, The Third Choice, p. 64
“Female genital mutilation: facts you need to know about the practice,” by Maggie O’Kane for The Guardian, February 6 (thanks to Piers):
Link to video: End female genital mutilation: join the Guardian’s campaign
• The first known record of female genital mutilation dates from the time of the pharaohs. The mummified body of a princess was found to have been genitally mutilated.
• Although the practice is mainly found in some Muslim societies, who believe, wrongly, that it is a religious requirement, it is also carried out by non-Muslim groups such a Coptic Christians in Egypt, and several Christian groups in Kenya. It is used to control women’s sexuality and fertility by mutilating their sex organs to make sex too painful.
• Over 130 million women living in the world today have been mutilated.
• 6,000 girls are mutilated daily in the Middle East, Asia, Africa and in diaspora communities.
• The practice is usually carried out by a “cutter” midwife in villages using a razor blade, but in some countries such as Egypt and Indonesia it is carried out in clinics and hospitals.
• Up to 24,000 girls are at risk of cutting in the UK, according to one estimate.
• The practice has been outlawed in the UK since 1985 but in 28 years no one has been prosecuted.
• During the same period In France, 100 people have gone on trial for female genital mutilation and there have been 29 convictions.
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Muhammad is said to have justified the cutting of women’s genitals: “A woman used to perform circumcision in Medina. The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said to her: Do not cut severely as that is better for a woman and more desirable for a husband.” (Sunan Abu Dawud 41.5251) The problem with this is that the distinction between cutting and cutting severely is subjective.
Some Islamic authorities say that this is a weak hadith. That’s wonderful. I hope they manage to convince every Muslim authority in the world that this is the case. Unfortunately, many remain misunderstanders of Islam. A few examples:
Gambia: “Alhaji Abdoulie Fatty, the Imam of State House Mosque has rebuted [sic] claims published on 1st June edition of the Daily observer, entitled ‘Female Genital Cutting Unislamic’ as utter rubbish.” — Gambia’s Daily Observer, June 6, 2007
Egypt: “Omayma Idris, a Cairo-based gynaecologist, says that more than 90 percent of all married Egyptians today are thought to have undergone mutilation. After the prohibition, she says, one could see a decline, ‘but since the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamists are in power in Egypt, the numbers are on the rise again; they encourage families to do it again.’…Salafists and representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood – the political home of Egypt’s President Mohamed Mursi – want to see female genital mutilation legalized again.” — Deutsche Welle, November 23, 2012
The late Sheikh Muhammad Sayyed Tantawi of Egypt’s venerable Al-Azhar University once called circumcision “a laudable practice that did honor to women.”
Indonesia: “The the Muslim intellectual Sumanto Al Qurtuby says the faction that supports tetesan [female genital mutilation] is linked to the Salafi and Wahhabi community, which together with other fundamentalist groups are concentrated in Bandung and Aceh. They believe that circumcision is ‘morally’ encouraged by Sharia, or Islamic law, and reiterated in the hadith, in anecdotes related to the life of the Prophet Muhammad.” — Asia News, December 7, 2012
Australia: “Islamic law permits by definition, by prophetic statement and by practice female circumcision” — Australian Imam Afroz Ali, The Australian, December 24, 2012
There is also justification for the practice in Islamic law:
“Circumcision is obligatory (for every male and female) (by cutting off the piece of skin on the glans of the penis of the male, but circumcision of the female is by cutting out the bazr ‘clitoris’ [this is called khufaadh 'female circumcision']).” — ‘Umdat al-Salik e4.3, translated by Mark Durie, The Third Choice, p. 64
“Female genital mutilation: facts you need to know about the practice,” by Maggie O’Kane for The Guardian, February 6 (thanks to Piers):
Link to video: End female genital mutilation: join the Guardian’s campaign
• The first known record of female genital mutilation dates from the time of the pharaohs. The mummified body of a princess was found to have been genitally mutilated.
• Although the practice is mainly found in some Muslim societies, who believe, wrongly, that it is a religious requirement, it is also carried out by non-Muslim groups such a Coptic Christians in Egypt, and several Christian groups in Kenya. It is used to control women’s sexuality and fertility by mutilating their sex organs to make sex too painful.
• Over 130 million women living in the world today have been mutilated.
• 6,000 girls are mutilated daily in the Middle East, Asia, Africa and in diaspora communities.
• The practice is usually carried out by a “cutter” midwife in villages using a razor blade, but in some countries such as Egypt and Indonesia it is carried out in clinics and hospitals.
• Up to 24,000 girls are at risk of cutting in the UK, according to one estimate.
• The practice has been outlawed in the UK since 1985 but in 28 years no one has been prosecuted.
• During the same period In France, 100 people have gone on trial for female genital mutilation and there have been 29 convictions.
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Sunday, February 9, 2014
India: Court rules against Muslim organization that sought ban of anti-terror film

“Court nod for anti-terrorism film release,” by Mohammed Wajihuddin for TNN, February 7:
MUMBAI: Granting relief to the makers of Ya Rab: Jihad Against Terrorism, the Bombay high court on Thursday did not stay its release on February 7.
Hearing a petition filed by a leading Muslim organization Jamiatul Ulema-e-Maharashtra, A division bench of Chief Justice Mohit Shah and Justice M S Sanklecha The HC said that the petitioner, Jamiatul Ulema-e-Maharashtra, can inform it at next hearing on February 13, if it feels that the film has objectionable scenes even after the disclaimer and fresh censor certificate obtained after deleting the objectionable portions.
“We had appealed against the film’s release on a wide perception as reflected in a section of Urdu press that it would create trouble and inflame communal passions. But the HC heeded to the disclaimer and claims made by the filmmaker that the objectionable scenes and dialogues have been removed. We will see if these changes have been made in the final prints. If my client is not satisfied, we will appeal to the court to stop its screening,” said advocate Afroz Siddiqui, who represented the petitioner, a Muslim organization. The film has become a matter of intense debate in the community ever since a group of community leaders watched it at a private screening last week. They had also petitioned political leaders and senior policemen seeking their intervention to stop its release before Jamiatul Ulema-e-Maharashtra moved court.
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