Chilean Foreign Minister Heraldo Muñoz offered to mediate in government-opposition dialogue in Venezuela.
The Venezuelan Ministry of Foreign Affairs rebutted the remarks made by Chilean Foreign Minister Heraldo Muñoz, who offered help to resume government-opposition dialogue in Venezuela.
"The Venezuelan Ministry of Foreign Affairs calls on Foreign Minister Heraldo Muñoz to refrain from expressing any views on Venezuela's internal affairs, and requires through his ambassador to Venezuela an explanation on the content and extent of his statements," the communiqué reads.
The Venezuelan government "has not requested through public or diplomatic means any intervention in its affairs," the statement added.
In a press conference on Monday, Heraldo Muñoz said he hoped for the resumption of political talks in Venezuela, suspended in May 2014.
Showing posts with label Government. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Government. Show all posts
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Q&A: What lies ahead in 2015 for Chinese economy?
BEIJING - It is almost certain that China will post its lowest growth rate in more than a decade in 2014, but experts seem uncertain about what will happen in 2015.
Here we review the outlook and risks for Chinese economy in 2015:
Here we review the outlook and risks for Chinese economy in 2015:
Is the economy sliding toward a hard landing?
Growth in 2014 looks likely to have sagged below 7.5 percent. This year, it could potentially dip lower, with property downturn and industrial overcapacity still being the main drags.
The government's efforts to balance reform with growth will also exert a downward pressure, but it will be a soft landing rather than a sharp contraction, as the broader economy and job market remain healthy.
There have been signs of a rebalancing, with services accounting for a greater share of output than manufacturing; and consumption accounting for a larger share of gross domestic product (GDP) than fixed asset investment.
Moreover, policies, such as the abolition of registered capital requirements for new firms and the replacement of business tax with value-added tax, will provide dividends.
Government think tank economists have lowered forecasts for GDP growth for 2015, with the rate hovering between 7 percent and 7.3 percent.
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Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Bangladesh: Al-Qaeda calls for jihad against anti-Islam secular government
Note how similar al-Zawahiri’s rhetoric here is to “Palestinian” jihadist rhetoric retailing grievances against Israel and claiming that Muslims are being massacred, etc. In the absence of a caliph, all jihad activity has to be cast as defensive, because in Sunni Islam only the caliph has the authority to declare offensive jihad. Thus the same notes tend to be sounded in all jihadist appeals.
Note also that al-Qaeda seems to think that secular government is incompatible with Islam. They must be reading the writings of greasy Islamophobes. “al-Qaeda urges resistance in Bangladesh,” from the Daily Star, February 15 (thanks to Maxwell):
Alleging that thousands of people are being killed in the streets of Bangladesh for protesting against a “collusion of the anti-Islam secular government”, al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri has invited people to “confront this crusader onslaught against Islam[.]”
The Daily Star could not independently verify the authenticity of the message.
The call came in an audio message posted by al-Qaeda’s media production house ‘As-Sahab Media’ on a website, which promotes jihad (war for religious cause) across the globe.
“A massacre of Muslims is being carried out these days, and the Muslim world is totally oblivious to it. The western media is colluding with the killers to belittle its significance and hide the facts,” Zawahiri said in the message.
The message titled ‘Bangladesh: A Massacre Behind a Wall of Silence’, contains photographs from Hefajat-e Islam programmes and law enforcers action on them.
It also carries statements of Maulana Abdul Rasheed Ghazi, a Pakistani cleric who was killed during security forces’ operation on July 5, 2011, and Palestinian Sunni Islamic scholar Imam Abdullah Azzam, who was killed by a car bomb blast on November 24, 1989.
“This is the bloodbath taking place in Bangladesh, without the Muslims paying the least attention to it,” said the al-Qaeda chief who took over the helm of the terrorist militant outfit after the killing of Osama bin Laden on May 2, 2011 at a house in Abottabad in Pakistan.
“Bangladesh is the victim of the conspiracy in which the agents of India, the corrupt leadership of the Pakistan army, and treacherous power hungry politicians of Bangladesh and Pakistan, who are always prepared to sacrifice everything for the sake of fulfilling their ambitions and desires, were all equal participants,” Zawahiri said.
However, the real victim was the Muslim Ummah in the subcontinent generally, and in Pakistan and Bangladesh specifically, the Egyptian physician insisted.
“The crimes that are being committed in Bangladesh today against the core beliefs of Islam, the Prophet of Islam (pbuh), and the Muslim Ummah are only the fruits of the rotten seeds sown by these criminals.
“Their purpose was not independence from Pakistan, stopping the aggression against the people of Bangladesh, or getting rid of military rule in Pakistan. None of these was the real objectives, even if these criminals took cover behind these slogans, parroted these lines, and propagated these out of their malevolence or stupidity, or due to both. None of this was the real purpose.”
The real purpose was weakening the Muslim Ummah in the subcontinent, said the al-Qaeda chief.
“It was to rip the Muslim Ummah apart into pieces, and lead it to death by getting it entangled in mutual strife, regional conflicts and wars. Above all, their purpose was to attack the real capital of this Ummah, and the secret of its strength: the Islamic faith.”
What is taking place today in Pakistan, Bangladesh, India and Afghanistan is “only a prelude to the execution of this evil plan, and the aforementioned criminals are the tools of the enemies of Islam in this vile conspiracy”, he said.
“Those who massacred the Muslims in Bangladesh only yesterday are the same people who are massacring the Muslims in Pakistan today. Similarly, those who allied with India against Pakistan by claiming that they sought to defend the honour and sanctities of Bengalis are the same people who are attacking the sanctities, beliefs, honour, lives and properties of Bengalis today.”
Continues Zawahiri: “They claimed that they created Pakistan more than 60 years ago to defend Islam and Muslims in the subcontinent. Today we have a Pakistan that has no Shariah, no independence and no honour.
“Its government, army, intelligence, police and judiciary act as mercenaries hired to defend the interests of the crusader onslaught in South Asia.”
Similarly, they claimed that they created Bangladesh more than 40 years ago to protect the independence, glory, honour and freedom of its people, he said.
“But today we see Bangladesh turning into a huge prison in which the sanctities, honour, dignity and sacred places of Muslims are violated. Their lives are put at stake, and they are tortured in defence of the crusader onslaught, which is fighting Islam politically, militarily and ideologically.”
Bangladesh, which they claimed to have won from Pakistan so that it may get its freedom, is being turned into a subjugated surrogate of India, the Islamist theologian alleged.
“These anti-Islamic policies that assail Islamic beliefs, symbols and the noble Prophet of Islam (pbuh), are only a manifestation of complete subjugation to India.”
The events in Bangladesh enjoy the blessings of both India and America, since their interests in fighting Islam overlap, and this is why their bilateral relations are becoming stronger day by day.
This is the bitter truth that we must be aware of, so that we can take the first step on the road to freeing ourselves from this misfortune, humiliation and subservience to foreign powers.
Zawahiri alleged that thousands of people are being killed in the streets of Bangladesh “without any guilt, except that they have come out to protest against the collusion of the anti-Islam secular government with a bunch of transgressing secularists who are heaping insults and vulgar abuses on Islam and the Prophet of Islam (pbuh)”.
“Hundreds of callers to the religion and scholars are also facing hardships, manhunts, imprisonment, trials, death sentences and life imprisonments without any guilt except that they have taken a stand against the agents of this crusader onslaught, who are being used as tools by the leading criminals of the western world to distort the image of Islam and poke fun at this religion, its prophet and beliefs.”
He invited Muslims in Bangladesh “to confront this crusader onslaught against Islam, which is being orchestrated by the leading criminals in the subcontinent and the West against Islam, the Prophet of Islam and the Islamic creed, so that they may turn you into slaves of a despotic and disbelieving system”.
“The system which they want to impose on you seeks to enslave mankind, steal the resources and divide it into segments with its hellish and brutal apparatus.”
Source: Jihadwatch
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Note also that al-Qaeda seems to think that secular government is incompatible with Islam. They must be reading the writings of greasy Islamophobes. “al-Qaeda urges resistance in Bangladesh,” from the Daily Star, February 15 (thanks to Maxwell):
Alleging that thousands of people are being killed in the streets of Bangladesh for protesting against a “collusion of the anti-Islam secular government”, al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri has invited people to “confront this crusader onslaught against Islam[.]”
The Daily Star could not independently verify the authenticity of the message.
The call came in an audio message posted by al-Qaeda’s media production house ‘As-Sahab Media’ on a website, which promotes jihad (war for religious cause) across the globe.
“A massacre of Muslims is being carried out these days, and the Muslim world is totally oblivious to it. The western media is colluding with the killers to belittle its significance and hide the facts,” Zawahiri said in the message.
The message titled ‘Bangladesh: A Massacre Behind a Wall of Silence’, contains photographs from Hefajat-e Islam programmes and law enforcers action on them.
It also carries statements of Maulana Abdul Rasheed Ghazi, a Pakistani cleric who was killed during security forces’ operation on July 5, 2011, and Palestinian Sunni Islamic scholar Imam Abdullah Azzam, who was killed by a car bomb blast on November 24, 1989.
“This is the bloodbath taking place in Bangladesh, without the Muslims paying the least attention to it,” said the al-Qaeda chief who took over the helm of the terrorist militant outfit after the killing of Osama bin Laden on May 2, 2011 at a house in Abottabad in Pakistan.
“Bangladesh is the victim of the conspiracy in which the agents of India, the corrupt leadership of the Pakistan army, and treacherous power hungry politicians of Bangladesh and Pakistan, who are always prepared to sacrifice everything for the sake of fulfilling their ambitions and desires, were all equal participants,” Zawahiri said.
However, the real victim was the Muslim Ummah in the subcontinent generally, and in Pakistan and Bangladesh specifically, the Egyptian physician insisted.
“The crimes that are being committed in Bangladesh today against the core beliefs of Islam, the Prophet of Islam (pbuh), and the Muslim Ummah are only the fruits of the rotten seeds sown by these criminals.
“Their purpose was not independence from Pakistan, stopping the aggression against the people of Bangladesh, or getting rid of military rule in Pakistan. None of these was the real objectives, even if these criminals took cover behind these slogans, parroted these lines, and propagated these out of their malevolence or stupidity, or due to both. None of this was the real purpose.”
The real purpose was weakening the Muslim Ummah in the subcontinent, said the al-Qaeda chief.
“It was to rip the Muslim Ummah apart into pieces, and lead it to death by getting it entangled in mutual strife, regional conflicts and wars. Above all, their purpose was to attack the real capital of this Ummah, and the secret of its strength: the Islamic faith.”
What is taking place today in Pakistan, Bangladesh, India and Afghanistan is “only a prelude to the execution of this evil plan, and the aforementioned criminals are the tools of the enemies of Islam in this vile conspiracy”, he said.
“Those who massacred the Muslims in Bangladesh only yesterday are the same people who are massacring the Muslims in Pakistan today. Similarly, those who allied with India against Pakistan by claiming that they sought to defend the honour and sanctities of Bengalis are the same people who are attacking the sanctities, beliefs, honour, lives and properties of Bengalis today.”
Continues Zawahiri: “They claimed that they created Pakistan more than 60 years ago to defend Islam and Muslims in the subcontinent. Today we have a Pakistan that has no Shariah, no independence and no honour.
“Its government, army, intelligence, police and judiciary act as mercenaries hired to defend the interests of the crusader onslaught in South Asia.”
Similarly, they claimed that they created Bangladesh more than 40 years ago to protect the independence, glory, honour and freedom of its people, he said.
“But today we see Bangladesh turning into a huge prison in which the sanctities, honour, dignity and sacred places of Muslims are violated. Their lives are put at stake, and they are tortured in defence of the crusader onslaught, which is fighting Islam politically, militarily and ideologically.”
Bangladesh, which they claimed to have won from Pakistan so that it may get its freedom, is being turned into a subjugated surrogate of India, the Islamist theologian alleged.
“These anti-Islamic policies that assail Islamic beliefs, symbols and the noble Prophet of Islam (pbuh), are only a manifestation of complete subjugation to India.”
The events in Bangladesh enjoy the blessings of both India and America, since their interests in fighting Islam overlap, and this is why their bilateral relations are becoming stronger day by day.
This is the bitter truth that we must be aware of, so that we can take the first step on the road to freeing ourselves from this misfortune, humiliation and subservience to foreign powers.
Zawahiri alleged that thousands of people are being killed in the streets of Bangladesh “without any guilt, except that they have come out to protest against the collusion of the anti-Islam secular government with a bunch of transgressing secularists who are heaping insults and vulgar abuses on Islam and the Prophet of Islam (pbuh)”.
“Hundreds of callers to the religion and scholars are also facing hardships, manhunts, imprisonment, trials, death sentences and life imprisonments without any guilt except that they have taken a stand against the agents of this crusader onslaught, who are being used as tools by the leading criminals of the western world to distort the image of Islam and poke fun at this religion, its prophet and beliefs.”
He invited Muslims in Bangladesh “to confront this crusader onslaught against Islam, which is being orchestrated by the leading criminals in the subcontinent and the West against Islam, the Prophet of Islam and the Islamic creed, so that they may turn you into slaves of a despotic and disbelieving system”.
“The system which they want to impose on you seeks to enslave mankind, steal the resources and divide it into segments with its hellish and brutal apparatus.”
Source: Jihadwatch
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Thursday, February 13, 2014
Fox's Dobbs Tears Into GOP Rep. Louie Gohmert: You Don't Control the Federal Government!
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) was just one of 199 Republicans who voted against raising the debt ceiling yesterday, in open defiance of House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH). But when Gohmert appeared on Fox Business Network with Lou Dobbs, he received what seemed like 100% of the blame for what the host called pure “political theater” by the ultra-conservative wing of the GOP.
“How in the world do you expect the Republican Party to not find itself in the same strategic blind and bind that it was in last year when you guys shut down the federal government?” Dobbs demanded of Gohmert. “There comes a time where there just has to be some pragmatism. Go out an win an election, get 400 members, get 100 senators, get a presidency.”
“I don’t expect us not to be in the same bind, and that’s why I was so against what we did here,” Gohmert replied, using Joe Biden-worthy double negatives. When he started comparing the current situation to what Congress was dealing with in 2006, Dobbs interrupted him.
“In 2006 you had a Republican president, congressman!” Dobbs shot back. “You are surely aware of the fact that you are a majority in one branch of government!” He added, “You know as well as I do that half of the bills you’re passing are pure and I think I may generous in my percentage are absolutely political theater because you know they will die in the Senate, you know that a Democrat president will kill them. What do you expect to do when you are in the majority in one branch of government?”
When Gohmert defended the power of the Republican-controlled House, Dobbs interrupted again. “Again, I repeat, you are not in control of the federal government!” he said.
Ultimately Dobbs gave the last word to his guest. “When you do what is right, eventually it’s going to be politically popular,” Gohmert insisted. “That’s all I’m advocating, Lou. Stand up and do what’s right for the country and we didn’t do it today.”
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“How in the world do you expect the Republican Party to not find itself in the same strategic blind and bind that it was in last year when you guys shut down the federal government?” Dobbs demanded of Gohmert. “There comes a time where there just has to be some pragmatism. Go out an win an election, get 400 members, get 100 senators, get a presidency.”
“I don’t expect us not to be in the same bind, and that’s why I was so against what we did here,” Gohmert replied, using Joe Biden-worthy double negatives. When he started comparing the current situation to what Congress was dealing with in 2006, Dobbs interrupted him.
“In 2006 you had a Republican president, congressman!” Dobbs shot back. “You are surely aware of the fact that you are a majority in one branch of government!” He added, “You know as well as I do that half of the bills you’re passing are pure and I think I may generous in my percentage are absolutely political theater because you know they will die in the Senate, you know that a Democrat president will kill them. What do you expect to do when you are in the majority in one branch of government?”
When Gohmert defended the power of the Republican-controlled House, Dobbs interrupted again. “Again, I repeat, you are not in control of the federal government!” he said.
Ultimately Dobbs gave the last word to his guest. “When you do what is right, eventually it’s going to be politically popular,” Gohmert insisted. “That’s all I’m advocating, Lou. Stand up and do what’s right for the country and we didn’t do it today.”
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Friday, February 7, 2014
Federal Leasing Program A Giveaway To Big Coal, Government Watchdog Finds

The latest in a long string of investigations into how Interior’s Bureau of Land Management mismanages the long-troubled federal coal program, the GAO report prompted Sen. Edward J. Markey (D-MA), who requested the probe, to call for a suspension of federal coal lease sales in the Powder River Basin of Wyoming and Montana until reforms are put in place.
“These noncompetitive practices are costing taxpayers in Massachusetts and across the nation, benefiting just a few coal companies who may be leasing public coal resources at bargain basement prices,” said Senator Markey.
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