Under Sharia, no dissenting voices are allowed. This is the sinister agenda behind “Islamophobia” campaigns in the West: to stigmatize and rule out of acceptable discourse even the slightest critical word about Sharia and even about jihad terror. With the willing compliance of the mainstream media, this campaign is well on its way to attaining its goals of silencing all criticism of Islam.
“Tony Pua Ticked Off For Chiding Fatwa On Valentine’s Day,” from Bernama, February 18 (thanks to Twostellas):
SHAH ALAM, Feb 18 (Bernama)
Selangor Perkasa has called for action to be taken against Selangor DAP chairman Tony Pua for allegedly chiding the National Fatwa Council’s edict forbidding Muslims from celebrating the Valentine’s Day, recently.
Its president, Abu Bakar Yahya said Pua’s remarks posted on his blog and Facebook were provocative as they could enrage Muslims.
“We cannot remain silent as Pua has insulted Muslims and his remarks might undermine harmony,” he told reporters after lodging a police report against Pua over the remarks at the Shah Alam police headquarters here today.
Abu Bakar said Pua not only rebuked the council for declaring the Valentine’s Day as haram (forbidden) but also ridiculed the Islamic Development Department.
“We hope Pua will not interfere in Islamic matters as we should respect each other religion,” he added.
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Showing posts with label group. Show all posts
Showing posts with label group. Show all posts
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Monday, February 17, 2014
Jihad terror group recruiter invites reporter to convert to Islam, says everywhere there is music, there is ungodliness
Abubakar Shariff Ahmed is a recruiter for jihad. “His advice is that, if Islam is under attack, which he says it is, then it is every Muslim’s duty to wage jihad.” This is in line with the classic formulations of Islamic jurisprudence, which stipulate that exactly that: that jihad becomes the personal duty of every Muslim if a Muslim land is attacked. He also invites Gabriel Gatehouse to accept Islam, and denounces music as leading to ungodliness in line with Islamic law’s prohibition on music.
What Ahmed says actually coincides with what “moderate” Muslim spokesmen say in the West, that jihad only has a military component in defense of Muslim lands. However, his involvement in a jihad terror group is strange, since those spokesmen routinely claim that jihad terror groups are made up of people who do not know anything about Islam and do not follow it properly, but only use it as a cover for their activities. Yet Abubakar Shariff Ahmed seems to be quite pious and devout. What he assumes about music also contradicts the common claim that the Islamic prohibition of music is the invention of greasy Islamophobes. Does Abubakar Shariff Ahmed have a secret stash of the writings of greasy Islamophobes under his bed?
There Is No Fun In Islam Update: “An atheist meets an al-Shabab ‘recruiter,’” by Gabriel Gatehouse for BBC News, February 16 (thanks to all who sent this in):
Abubakar Shariff Ahmed is not a hard man to find. Ask around in the Majengo area of Mombasa and people will know where he lives.
But ask around too conspicuously and you are likely to arouse suspicion.
Mr Ahmed is perhaps better known by his nickname, Makaburi. It means “graveyard” in Swahili.
His name features on US and UN sanctions lists of people suspected of involvement in terrorism – accused of recruiting young Kenyan Muslims for violent militant activity in Somalia.
He himself believes the Kenyan police will one day try to kill him. So he is careful about his security….
Makaburi’s manner may be charming but his beliefs are uncompromising. The time is near he told me. An army of Allah will rise up out of the desert. It will come bearing a black flag and establish a global Islamic caliphate.
He denies recruiting for al-Shabab, or calling on his followers to travel to Somalia to fight.
“I do not have any followers,” he says at one point. I nod towards the bearded teenagers. “Who are they?” I ask. “They have come to ask my advice,” he says.
His advice is that, if Islam is under attack, which he says it is, then it is every Muslim’s duty to wage jihad.
After the interview we sat together on the roof where the breeze had picked up and the air was beginning to cool. “Let me invite you to Islam,” he said, breaking once more into that charming smile.
I smiled back. “Regretfully,” I said, “I am an atheist.”
He screwed up his face, and waved towards the two bearded students, loitering now next to a nearby pigeon coop.
“Look at them,” he said. “Each from a different Kenyan tribe, and me from yet another. But thanks to Islam, we are brothers. Religion brings us together.”
I countered with a story I had once heard on this very programme. A BBC reporter in Bosnia, during the war in the 1990's, had asked an elderly gentleman whether he was a Croat or a Muslim?
The man’s reproachful response had struck home: “I am a musician,” he had said. Music could unite where religion divided. Makaburi was unimpressed.
“Everywhere there is music, there is ungodliness,” he said
The Koran
“Define ungodliness,” I challenged him. I was beginning to enjoy our discussion.
He told me a story about a sailor he had known who had spent a long time at sea aboard a cargo ship. According to custom, after going to the toilet, he would wash instead of wipe.
But he was the only Muslim on board, and eventually the other sailors confronted him about the splashes of water around the loo. Could he stop it please, they found it unhygienic.
They were sitting at breakfast and there was a can of condensed milk open on the table. Makaburi’s sailor friend took the hand of one of his colleagues and dabbed it with some of the sweet sticky substance.
“Now wipe it off with a tissue,” he told him, “then lick your hand. Tell me does it still taste of condensed milk?”
The sailor did so and admitted that yes, his hand still tasted sweet.
Kenya and Somalia map
The dabbing was repeated and the sailor was now invited to wash his hand with water.
Did his hand still taste of milk? It did not. The point was made.
“But surely this is not what it all boils down to,” I protested. “Of course not,” Makaburi beamed. “But let me give you a copy of the Koran,” he pleaded. “You read it, you will see.”
I promised I would, but on one condition. Would Makaburi in return listen to my favourite jazz album, and tell me honestly what he thought?
He looked disgusted. “No,” he said, “no way. I have not listened to music for more than a decade.” And so we parted, our cultural exchange, between atheist and Islamist, unconsummated.
Source: Jihadwatch
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What Ahmed says actually coincides with what “moderate” Muslim spokesmen say in the West, that jihad only has a military component in defense of Muslim lands. However, his involvement in a jihad terror group is strange, since those spokesmen routinely claim that jihad terror groups are made up of people who do not know anything about Islam and do not follow it properly, but only use it as a cover for their activities. Yet Abubakar Shariff Ahmed seems to be quite pious and devout. What he assumes about music also contradicts the common claim that the Islamic prohibition of music is the invention of greasy Islamophobes. Does Abubakar Shariff Ahmed have a secret stash of the writings of greasy Islamophobes under his bed?
There Is No Fun In Islam Update: “An atheist meets an al-Shabab ‘recruiter,’” by Gabriel Gatehouse for BBC News, February 16 (thanks to all who sent this in):
Abubakar Shariff Ahmed is not a hard man to find. Ask around in the Majengo area of Mombasa and people will know where he lives.
But ask around too conspicuously and you are likely to arouse suspicion.
Mr Ahmed is perhaps better known by his nickname, Makaburi. It means “graveyard” in Swahili.
His name features on US and UN sanctions lists of people suspected of involvement in terrorism – accused of recruiting young Kenyan Muslims for violent militant activity in Somalia.
He himself believes the Kenyan police will one day try to kill him. So he is careful about his security….
Makaburi’s manner may be charming but his beliefs are uncompromising. The time is near he told me. An army of Allah will rise up out of the desert. It will come bearing a black flag and establish a global Islamic caliphate.
He denies recruiting for al-Shabab, or calling on his followers to travel to Somalia to fight.
“I do not have any followers,” he says at one point. I nod towards the bearded teenagers. “Who are they?” I ask. “They have come to ask my advice,” he says.
His advice is that, if Islam is under attack, which he says it is, then it is every Muslim’s duty to wage jihad.
After the interview we sat together on the roof where the breeze had picked up and the air was beginning to cool. “Let me invite you to Islam,” he said, breaking once more into that charming smile.
I smiled back. “Regretfully,” I said, “I am an atheist.”
He screwed up his face, and waved towards the two bearded students, loitering now next to a nearby pigeon coop.
“Look at them,” he said. “Each from a different Kenyan tribe, and me from yet another. But thanks to Islam, we are brothers. Religion brings us together.”
I countered with a story I had once heard on this very programme. A BBC reporter in Bosnia, during the war in the 1990's, had asked an elderly gentleman whether he was a Croat or a Muslim?
The man’s reproachful response had struck home: “I am a musician,” he had said. Music could unite where religion divided. Makaburi was unimpressed.
“Everywhere there is music, there is ungodliness,” he said
The Koran
“Define ungodliness,” I challenged him. I was beginning to enjoy our discussion.
He told me a story about a sailor he had known who had spent a long time at sea aboard a cargo ship. According to custom, after going to the toilet, he would wash instead of wipe.
But he was the only Muslim on board, and eventually the other sailors confronted him about the splashes of water around the loo. Could he stop it please, they found it unhygienic.
They were sitting at breakfast and there was a can of condensed milk open on the table. Makaburi’s sailor friend took the hand of one of his colleagues and dabbed it with some of the sweet sticky substance.
“Now wipe it off with a tissue,” he told him, “then lick your hand. Tell me does it still taste of condensed milk?”
The sailor did so and admitted that yes, his hand still tasted sweet.
Kenya and Somalia map
The dabbing was repeated and the sailor was now invited to wash his hand with water.
Did his hand still taste of milk? It did not. The point was made.
“But surely this is not what it all boils down to,” I protested. “Of course not,” Makaburi beamed. “But let me give you a copy of the Koran,” he pleaded. “You read it, you will see.”
I promised I would, but on one condition. Would Makaburi in return listen to my favourite jazz album, and tell me honestly what he thought?
He looked disgusted. “No,” he said, “no way. I have not listened to music for more than a decade.” And so we parted, our cultural exchange, between atheist and Islamist, unconsummated.
Source: Jihadwatch
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Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Muslim group prayers for earthquake at Sochi Olympics
A militant Islamist group has urged followers to pray for an earthquake in Sochi during the Winter Olympics to avenge Muslims who died there fighting "Russian infidels".
The appeal was made by a local branch of the Caucasus Emirate, a group which is waging an insurgency for an Islamist state in Russia's North Caucasus and called on supporters last year to attack the Games.
"All who are able to read this letter can supplicate that the Almighty destroys the land in Sochi with an earthquake, and makes the infidels 'drunk of water' before Hell and drown in a flood!," said the appeal posted online on Monday.
"The Games of the atheists and pagans! The pigs are so arrogant that they decided to host the Games on the ground where our ancestors shed their blood to defend Islam and Muslims. Even the blind can see it!"
Russian President Vladimir Putin, who waged a war in Chechnya to try to rein in separatists in the North Caucasus, has staked his personal and political prestige on the Games.
But some of the events are being held in territory that was the homeland of ethnic Circassians until they were expelled in the 19th century.
Islamist leaders say this amounts to performing "Satanic dances" on the graves of Muslims killed fighting Russian forces and one, Caucasus Emirate leader Doku Umarov, urged followers last year to prevent the Games going ahead.
"We know how the Russian infidels - those who we have been fighting for centuries in the Caucasus - have become arrogant and decided to hold the Satanic Games on the ground of the companions who brought Islam," said the new appeal, issued by the Ingushetia media branch of the Caucasus Emirate.
"May Allah give the infidels in Sochi the last earthquake of their lives," it said.
Ingushetia lies about 650 km (400 miles) by road from Sochi across the Caucasus mountains.
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The appeal was made by a local branch of the Caucasus Emirate, a group which is waging an insurgency for an Islamist state in Russia's North Caucasus and called on supporters last year to attack the Games.
"All who are able to read this letter can supplicate that the Almighty destroys the land in Sochi with an earthquake, and makes the infidels 'drunk of water' before Hell and drown in a flood!," said the appeal posted online on Monday.
"The Games of the atheists and pagans! The pigs are so arrogant that they decided to host the Games on the ground where our ancestors shed their blood to defend Islam and Muslims. Even the blind can see it!"
Russian President Vladimir Putin, who waged a war in Chechnya to try to rein in separatists in the North Caucasus, has staked his personal and political prestige on the Games.
But some of the events are being held in territory that was the homeland of ethnic Circassians until they were expelled in the 19th century.
Islamist leaders say this amounts to performing "Satanic dances" on the graves of Muslims killed fighting Russian forces and one, Caucasus Emirate leader Doku Umarov, urged followers last year to prevent the Games going ahead.
"We know how the Russian infidels - those who we have been fighting for centuries in the Caucasus - have become arrogant and decided to hold the Satanic Games on the ground of the companions who brought Islam," said the new appeal, issued by the Ingushetia media branch of the Caucasus Emirate.
"May Allah give the infidels in Sochi the last earthquake of their lives," it said.
Ingushetia lies about 650 km (400 miles) by road from Sochi across the Caucasus mountains.
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Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Malaysia: Muslim group offers reward to anyone who can slap politician whom they say insulted Islam
They say she insulted Islam, and yet they aren’t calling for her death, despite the death penalty for blasphemy taught by all the major schools of Islamic jurisprudence. They must be moderates. “Islamic NGO offers reward for slapping MP Teresa Kok over controversial ‘Onederful Malaysia’ video,” from Australia Network News, February 10:
A Malaysian Islamic NGO has offered a $US360 reward for anyone who slaps an opposition MP who posted a controversial Chinese New Year video on YouTube.
Teresa Kok, national vice-chair of the Democratic Action Party, has been accused of insulting Malays and Islam in her ‘Onderful Malaysia’ video.
Local media says up to 300 police reports have been lodged against the video, a play on the government’s ’1Malaysia’ campaign, which uses a talk show setting to poke fun at various national issues.
Ms Kok has told Asia Pacific the video is a satirical attack on government issues, and the race controversy is being used by the governing UMNO party to distract from that.
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A Malaysian Islamic NGO has offered a $US360 reward for anyone who slaps an opposition MP who posted a controversial Chinese New Year video on YouTube.
Teresa Kok, national vice-chair of the Democratic Action Party, has been accused of insulting Malays and Islam in her ‘Onderful Malaysia’ video.
Local media says up to 300 police reports have been lodged against the video, a play on the government’s ’1Malaysia’ campaign, which uses a talk show setting to poke fun at various national issues.
Ms Kok has told Asia Pacific the video is a satirical attack on government issues, and the race controversy is being used by the governing UMNO party to distract from that.
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Monday, February 10, 2014
Study shows that Christians are world's most oppressed religious group
“Islamophobia”-mongers such as the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Reza Aslan’s Aslan Media, the Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, and the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) hardest hit. If the mainstream media were not as thoroughly corrupt and compromised as it is, it would pick up on this and stop furthering the Islamic supremacist line that the truth about Islamic jihad violence must be told for fear of increasing the victimization of innocent Muslims. No innocent people of any creed should ever be victimized; but it is actually the world’s Christians who are bearing the brunt of religion-based attacks.
“Pew Study: Christians Are The World’s Most Oppressed Religious Group,” by Barbara Boland for CNS News, February 6 (thanks to Mackie):
Restrictions, harassment, and intimidation towards people who practice their religion increased in every major region of the world in 2012 except the Americas, with Christians the major target, says a new report by the Pew Research Center.
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“Pew Study: Christians Are The World’s Most Oppressed Religious Group,” by Barbara Boland for CNS News, February 6 (thanks to Mackie):
Restrictions, harassment, and intimidation towards people who practice their religion increased in every major region of the world in 2012 except the Americas, with Christians the major target, says a new report by the Pew Research Center.
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Friday, February 7, 2014
Nigeria: Jihad group murders Muslim cleric who opposed them

(Reuters) – A Nigerian Muslim cleric who openly criticized Islamist sect Boko Haram has been killed in Zaria, hundreds of miles from where the military is fighting insurgents, police said on Monday.
Gunmen opened fire on Sheik Adam Albani’s car on Saturday evening as he drove home from preaching in a mosque, also killing his wife and young son, police spokesman Aminu Lawan said.
Western governments see prominent leaders like Sheik Albani playing a role in the long-term fight against Boko Haram and other al Qaeda-linked groups, in a deeply religious country of 170 million people.
The assassination of Sheik Albani in Zaria, the capital of Kaduna state in a central northern region, could discourage others from speaking out against Boko Haram, whose primary recruiting pool is the millions of uneducated youths in the north of Nigeria.
President Goodluck Jonathan is struggling to end a four-and-a-half year insurgency by Boko Haram but a military push begun in May last year has largely confined bloodshed to the country’s remote northeast corner, where the group originates and has most support.
The sect has killed thousands in its attempt to carve out an Islamic state in a country split roughly equally between Christians and Muslims. It has attacked anyone who appears to oppose its insurgency, from security targets to schools, churches and mosques where its ideas are rejected.
Boko Haram, which has been designated a terrorist organization by the United States, is considered the biggest security threat in Africa’s top oil exporter and second-largest economy.
More than a hundred people were killed last week in two attacks in northeast states under a state of emergency, including a siege at a packed church service.
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