Friday, January 23, 2015

You don't want to scare a Sperm whale - moment it POOS on divers in self-defence

These pictures show the disgusting moment a group of divers found themselves swimming in a sperm whale's POO cloud.

The massive mammal released the gush of brown in what is believed to be a defence mechanism.

Described as a 'poonado' by Canadian photographer Keri Wilk, the flush of faeces was snapped off the island of Dominica in North America by four divers.

The whirlpool of whale waste spanned a gut-wrenching 30 metres - and to make things worse Keri revealed he was only using a snorkel and goggles at the time.

Keri said: "Four of us got into the water near the whale, then it slowly approached us, stopped, and pointed itself straight down before storm began.

"At first, it seemed like a regular bowel movement but rather than continuing its dive down, it remained at the surface and continued to defecate for a startling length of time.

"Four of us looked at each other with confusion, then back at the whale, expecting that any second its call from nature would come to an end.

"Instead, the whale bobbed up and down, spun in circles and waved the poo in every direction for several minutes while we just sat back and watched.

"The water was crystal clear, initially, and was the most idyllic Caribbean blue water that you could imagine.

"After a few waves of faeces were released and stirred vigorously by the whale, the water was like chocolate milk, I couldn't see my hand when I held it in front of my face.

"I had poop in my eyes, mouth, wetsuit, everywhere and I was soaked in it from head to toe.

"But, after leaving the cloud, it quickly washed away, and didn't leave a smell on us.

"I did take an extra long shower once I returned to shore later that day, just in case.

"I've never heard of it happening before, and I don't know anyone that has had this happen, it very well could be the first time that it has been photographically documented."


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