Showing posts with label Muslims. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Muslims. Show all posts

Monday, February 17, 2014

UK: Muslims returning from Syria plotted Mumbai-style jihad mass murder attack in London

250 jihad warriors from Syria have already returned home and are plotting jihad mass murder attacks. No one, apparently, thought of keeping them out of the country; that honor the British reserve only for foes of jihad. In the coming months and years the British will reap the fruits of their craven appeasement of Islamic supremacist groups, and refusal to confront the bitter reality of the alignment of the many of the so-called “moderate” groups that the British government encourages and funds with Islamic jihad terror groups.

“Hundreds of British jihadis returning from fight in Syria spark terror alert after police and MI5 thwart Mumbai-style attack on London,” by Amanda Williams in the Daily Mail, February 16:

Hundreds of British jihadis have returned from fighting in Syria, sparking a terror alert in Britain.

Senior security officials have said that around 250 British based ‘extremist tourists’ have returned home, and are now suspected of wanting to carry out attacks here.

The figure is five times higher than previously thought and includes several ‘veterans’ who have fought in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

MI5 and police have already intercepted an alleged serious plot by jihadis returning from the war torn region last Autumn.

They were said to be planning a Mumbai-style gun attack on civilians in a crowded place, possibly London.

The returnees are now being monitored by the security services, The Sunday Times reports.

A senior Whitehall security official told paper: ‘Well over half of those who travelled out have come back.’

Last week it was announced that extremist videos which help to radicalise impressionable young men are to be blocked from the internet in the UK.

The Home Office is in talks with web companies to refuse access to violent films hosted overseas ‘at a network level’, MailOnline can reveal.

The plans for what will effectively be ‘cyber border controls’ have been drawn up by James Brokenshire, promoted to immigration minister at the weekend.

Ministers were spurred into action by the growing threat from jihadists in Syria.

Around 2,000 Europeans are thought to be fighting in Syria, including at least 200 known to the British security services.

It is feared that fighters returning to the UK will seek to radicalise young men in particular to launch terror attacks at home and abroad.

Anti-terror police and the Crown Prosecution Service can currently demand that vile videos posted on UK websites be removed.

Since February 2010, the Counter Terrorism Internet Referral Unit (CTIRU) has taken down more than 21,000 pieces of illegal terrorist online content.

If the CTIRU and prosecutors deem material to be illegal it can be blocked from parts of the public sector, including schools and hospitals but this does not extend to domestic users and filters can be turned off.

Last week, video footage capturing the final moments of a British suicide bomber’s life was released by a terrorist group in Syria.

The clip, recorded by the al-Qaeda-aligned group Jabhat al-Nusra, shows Abdul Waheed Majeed relaxing and smiling moments before he carried out the suicide attack, the first by a Briton.

In the ‘martydom’ video, the 41-year-old is seen wearing white Muslim robe while posing for photos with fellow soldiers and pointing up to the sky.

Married father of three Majeed is suspected of driving a lorry into a jail in Aleppo and detonating a bomb last week.

Officials have not confirmed the identity of the bomber amid reports that a UK jihadi, who used the name Abu Suleiman al-Britani, carried out the bombing.

Counter-terrorism officers have searched Majeed’s home in Crawley which is also the ex-home of schoolgirl Sarah Payne’s killer Roy Whiting, according to neighbours.

Majeed, known as Waheed, left Britain six months ago, telling his family he was going on a humanitarian mission to Syria.

Source: Jihadwatch
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Indonesia: John Kerry beats mosque drum to call Muslims to prayer

If John Kerry went into a cathedral and rang the bells, there would probably be a lot of indignation about it in the mainstream media even more if a Republican Secretary of State did it. Outraged editorials would huff and puff about the “separation of church and state,” and call on the Secretary to be more “inclusive.” But no one will mind this. The U.S., after all, builds mosques in other countries only if it built a church would the “wall of separation” be unacceptably breached.

“Kerry Tours Giant Mosque In Indonesia,” from Carbonated.TV, February 16 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry spent part of his Sunday in his stocking feet at an Indonesian mosque, at one point beating a huge drum used to call Muslims to prayer.

Kerry’s visit to the modern Istiqlal Mosque in central Jakarta, said to be the largest mosque in Southeast Asia with a capacity of 130,000, was designed to demonstrate his respect for Islam as he visited the world’s largest Muslim-majority nation.

Kerry spent about 20 minutes touring the mosque, chatting briefly with women studying Islamic law and admiring the blue ceiling of its dome.

Having removed his shoes in keeping with Islamic custom, Kerry at one point was shown a gigantic, skin-covered drum which rests sideways on the mosque’s floor and stood several feet taller than his head.

After witnessing a demonstration by the Grand Imam, identified by the State Department as K.H. Ali Mustafa Yaqub, Kerry then used a club to beat the drum, which is used to call Muslims to prayer.

“It has been a special honor to visit this remarkable place of worship,” Kerry said in a handwritten note to memorialize his visit. “We are all bound to one God and the Abrahamic faiths tie us together in love for our fellow man and honor for the same God.”

Source: Jihadwatch
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Interfaith outreach in Nigeria: Chanting Allahu akbar, Muslims murder over 50 Christians

This is the kind of story that shows how truly evil the “Islamophobia” smear campaign against foes of jihad terror really is. Reporting on this kind of story gets one charged with being an “Islamophobe.” No one dares speak up for the persecuted Christians, because they don’t want to be tarred as “hateful” and “bigoted,” and that is what happens to everyone who does speak's up. This is what the smearmongers are enabling: the murder of ever more innocent people, while the world human rights community looks the other way or commissions another study about “Islamophobia.”

Also, the jihadis chanting “Allahu akbar” yet again gives the lie to the common assumption in the West that jihadis have only a peripheral or incidental relationship to Islam, when in reality it is at the heart of their motivations.

“Survivors: Extremists kill dozens, slit throats, of Christians in northeast Nigerian village,” by Ibrahim Abdulaziz for the Associated Press, February 16 (thanks to Blazing Cat Fur):

YOLA, Nigeria (AP) Chanting “Allah is great,” suspected Islamic militants gunned down dozens of Christian villagers and slit the throats of others in the latest attack in a northeast Nigerian area where the military has been bombing extremists out of forest hideouts, survivors said Sunday.

Local government chairman Maina Ularamu told The Associated Press he has reports of more than 50 people killed in Saturday night’s attack on Izghe village in Borno state.

One survivor said the village list of those killed amounted to 63 dead. He spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals.

He said the attackers looted the village food stores and made off with about 10 vehicles.

Survivors said they are among hundreds of people from Izghe and neighboring villages who fled on foot through the bush in the night from Borno into Adamawa, two of three northeast Nigerian states under a state of emergency to halt a 4-year-old Islamic uprising. The area is inhabited mainly by Christians in the overwhelmingly Muslim north of Nigeria.

Insurgents of the Boko Haram terrorist network routinely attack civilians after they are attacked by the military….

Thousands of Muslims and Christians have been killed and tens of thousands forced from their homes by the state of emergency and by militants who want to create an Islamic state in Nigeria, Africa’s biggest oil producer with a population of more than 160 million made up of about equal numbers of Christians and Muslims.

Source: Jihadwatch
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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Central African Republic Muslims murder Christian: “They cut his neck like a cow. They are going to kill all of us.”

Mainstream media reports have largely focused, as is their wont, on Muslims as victims, as if they are the innocent victims of attacks from Christians in the Central African Republic. This is not actually the case. In reality, the Muslim Seleka rebels started the violence by targeting Christians. The Christians have started fighting back and defending themselves, which for the mainstream media means they’re already way out of bounds, and anything they do is presented in the most negative possible light. This doesn’t mean they’re perfect, but it gives them very little room to maneuver, as everything they do brings down upon them a hail of international condemnations, as is the case with Israel.
“Lynching of Christian man by Muslims is sign of chaos in Central African Republic,” by Sudarsan Raghavan for the Washington Post, February 9:
He was a Christian walking in a Muslim enclave, carrying wood to sell. In these tense days, that is enough reason to die in the Central African Republic. A Muslim mob confronted Pumandele, 23, on a side street and pushed him around. Then, they threw him into a ditch. At least one man stabbed him before his throat was slit.
As the slaughter unfolded, some of his killers ordered a Washington Post journalist witnessing the attack Sunday to leave.

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Minutes after Friday prayers, Muslims riot on Temple Mount, stoning police officers

What might have been preached in those Friday sermons? Maybe Jew-hatred and jihad violence? How did “Palestinian” mosques get so full of Misunderstanders of Islam? “Hundreds of Palestinians riot on Temple Mount after Friday prayers,” by Daniel K. Eisenbud for the Jerusalem Post, February 8:
Minutes after concluding Friday prayers, hundreds of Palestinians attacked officers with rocks at the Temple Mount.
The violence came one day after police closed the holy site to Jews to avert another riot, following numerous anonymous threats from Arabs of probable violence should any Jews ascend.
According to police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld, at approximately 12:30 p.m. the group began throwing rocks at police officers stationed there, without provocation.

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National Council of Canadian Muslims directors praised Muslim Brotherhood founder, vowed to implement his doctrine in Canada

Now the National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) is suing the Canadian Prime Minister for daring to suggest they have ties to Hamas, which styles itself “the Muslim Brotherhood for Palestine.”

“Current NCCM / CAIR-CAN Director Khadija Haffajee was on the Editorial advisory board of a magazine hailing the Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan al-Banna as ‘a True Guide,’” from Point de Bascule, February 7 (thanks to Marc):

Hassan al-Banna was described as a role model by three senior directors of the NCCM / CAIR-CAN

When CAIR-CAN became the National Council of Canadian Muslims, it presented itself as “a leading voice that enriches Canadian society through Muslim civic engagement and the promotion of human rights.”

This description is misleading given the fact that many of the leaders of the NCCM / CAIR-CAN (past and present) have collaborated with organizations in Canada and abroad whose track records are incompatible with human rights. Although the NCCM / CAIR-CAN Executive Director Ihsaan Gardee claimed in a CBC interview that his organization has never had any relationship with the Washington-based Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), documents issued by his own organization prove otherwise.

In the context of the NCCM’s recent defamation suit against the PMO for having linked the NCCM to Hamas, discussing the relationship between Washington-based CAIR and the NCCM / CAIR-CAN is all the more relevant given the fact that in a 2009 American case, a federal judge concluded that “The [U.S.] government has produced ample evidence to establish the associations of CAIR, ISNA [and other organizations] with Hamas.”

The NCCM / CAIR-CAN’s claim that it is committed to human rights can also be challenged by looking at the ideologues endorsed by the leaders of this organization over the years. Given the fact that important leaders of the NCCM / CAIR-CAN have openly endorsed ideologues whose goal is to establish a totalitarian society based on sharia, this organization must be considered a threat to human rights and definitely not a source of enrichment for Canadian society.

One such totalitarian ideologue who has been endorsed by prominent NCCM / CAIR-CAN directors is Hassan al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood. Al-Banna advocated the establishment of a society based on sharia and in his essay To what do we invite humanity?, he praised Hitler as a role model for Muslims looking for “success, influence and fortune.” As a matter of fact, when the New York Times announced Hassan al-Banna’s death in 1949, it highlighted that his organization, the Muslim Brotherhood, had become a movement “with mystic and fascist overtones.”

Hassan al-Banna was openly endorsed by at least three senior NCCM / CAIR-CAN directors. In 1999, before the incorporation of CAIR-CAN, current NCCM director Khadija Haffajee was on the Editorial advisory board of Islamic Horizons when the magazine hailed Hassan al-Banna as “a True Guide.”

In 2004, while he was on CAIR-CAN’s Board, Jamal Badawi described al-Banna as “most inspirational.” Badawi added that “More than any other individual he [al-Banna] has epitomised twentieth century Islamic thought and ideology.”

In 2012, while he was a CAIR-CAN director, Wael Haddara was also the president of the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC). MAC’s website proclaimed back then that “MAC’s [...] modern roots can be traced to the Islamic revival of the early twentieth century, culminating in the movement of the Muslim Brotherhood. […] MAC adopts and strives to implement Islam […] as understood in its contemporary context by the late Imam, Hassan Albanna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood. MAC regards this ideology as the best representation of Islam as delivered by Prophet Muhammad.” The same mission statement was already posted on MAC’s website in 2005 when Jamal Badawi and Wael Haddara were both MAC directors and CAIR-CAN directors.

According to the Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Watch, “The Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) appears to be one of the only organizations in the world that has acknowledged its ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.”

Wael Haddara resigned his position on CAIR-CAN’s Board of Directors in April 2012. On December 12, 2012, MAC issued a press release announcing Haddara’s resignation as president of the organization for “personal reasons.” On December 28, 2012, Wael Haddara was identified in an official United Nations document as a member of the Egyptian delegation at the UN. He had become a close advisor to now deposed Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood President Mohamed Morsi. Haddara had just been promoted from the Muslim Brotherhood infrastructure in Canada to the original one in Egypt. This was the logical outcome of Wael Haddara’s involvement with CAIR-CAN and the Muslim Association of Canada.

Khadija Haffajee

CAIR-CAN was incorporated in 2000. When Khadija Haffajee joined its Board of Directors (either in 2000 or 2001), she was already on the Majlis al-Shura of the Islamic Society of North America, ISNA’s decision-making body. Khadija Haffajee was first elected as an ISNA’s administrator in 1997 and re-elected in 2001 and 2004. As a member of ISNA’s leadership, she was on the Editorial advisory Board of Islamic Horizons. ISNA refers to its own publication as “ISNA’s flagship bi-monthly magazine.”

Khadija Haffajee and another current NCCM director, Shahina Siddiqui, have presented their autobiographies in a book entitled Muslim Women Activists in North America: Speaking for Ourselves. It was edited by Katherine Bullock and released in 2005. As this article is being published, the portion of the book concerning Haffajee is still available on Google Books.

ISNA was established in 1982 by the Muslim Brotherhood leadership in North America in order to mobilize and radicalize Muslims outside of college and university campuses. The Muslim Students Association (MSA) had already been established in 1963 to target Muslim students. In the 2009 American legal case referred to previously, the judge remarked that a Muslim Brotherhood document produced as Exhibit 3-64 by the U.S. government “further ties ISNA to the Muslim Brotherhood by listing it as an ‘apparatus’ of the Brotherhood.”

ISNA is number 1 and MSA number 2 in a listing of 29 organizations affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood network in North America that was added to an internal memorandum written by an MB leader in 1991. In this memorandum, the goal pursued by the Muslim Brotherhood in North America is clearly presented:

POINT 4 The Ikhwan (Muslim Brotherhood) must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions… It is a Muslim’s destiny to perform Jihad and work wherever he is and wherever he lands until the final hour comes.”

This memorandum was made public after it was seized by police and produced for evidentiary purposes in a 2008 trial that led to the conviction of all accused in a terror financing case. This excerpt was also quoted in the 2009 American legal case referred to earlier.

In July 2013, the ISNA Development Foundation’s charitable status was revoked by the Canada Revenue Agency because it provided tax receipts for donations made to a non-status organization that was funding a jihadist organization in India. At the time, ISNA’s leaders claimed that “There has been no links of authority or responsibility between the United States and Canadian organizations for a few decades, despite the similarity of names.” When the charity status revocation occurred in July 2013, at least two administrators of ISNA-Canada (Mohamed Bekkari and Khalid Tarabain) were on the U.S.-based ISNA’s Board (ISNA’s Board in June 2013 – ISNA’s Board in August 2013).

Hassan al-Banna’s 50-point Manifesto

One of the articles praising Hassan al-Banna in the March-April 1999 edition of Islamic Horizons highlighted an important proposal of his totalitarian program: getting rid of all political parties and replacing them by a one-party state (“He [al-Banna] called for mediation between [political] parties and even for their dissolution so they could emerge as a single entity serving according to the guidance of Islam.”)

This one-party state proposal is the first one in Hassan al-Banna’s 50-point Manifesto. According to Ikhwanweb, the Muslim Brotherhood’s website, the Manifesto was part of a letter sent by Hassan al-Banna to many Muslim leaders in 1947, including the king and the prime minister of Egypt. It contains fifty proposals for a systematic implementation of sharia. They are grouped in three categories (1. Political, judicial and administrative; 2. Social and educational; 3. Economic). The 50-point Manifesto is available on Point de Bascule.

Here are some of the proposals advocated by Hassan al-Banna and those who revere him as their “True Guide”:…

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Monday, February 10, 2014

Interfaith outreach in Malaysia: Muslims break crosses, desecrate graves in Christian cemetery

These vandals were just imitating Jesus, who according to Islamic tradition will return at the end of the world, at which time he “will fight for the cause of Islam. He will break the cross, kill pigs, and abolish the poll tax. Allah will destroy all religions except Islam” (Sunan Abu Dawud 27:4310).

Interfaith dialogue in modern, moderate Malaysia: “Unknown vandals desecrate eight graves in a Christian cemetery in Kuantan,” from Asia News, February 7 (thanks to C. Cantoni):

Kuala Lumpur (AsiaNews) – Person or persons unknown desecrated eight gravestones in a Christian cemetery in Tanjung Api, near Kuantan, capital of Kuantan District, in Malaysia’s Pahang State.

The attack was discovered this morning, when a cemetery employee found some damaged graves (pictured).

It is likely to fuel sectarian tensions in the Asian country, where Catholics and Muslims are already at loggerheads over the use of the word Allah for the Christian God, something that is currently before the courts.

Local witnesses said that some gravestones were completely smashed, and some crosses were broken. Flowerpots and other stone markers were also broken. It seems that perpetrators used a heavy tool to do the damage.

A cemetery administrator, who reported the incident to the police, now hopes the vandals will be brought to justice.

Tanjung Api cemetery covers an area of ​​1.5 acres state land and has been used by 36 Christian communities in Kuantan since 1997.

Although there is no actual evidence, sources told AsiaNews that the incident is probably linked to anti-Church banners and firebombs in late January.

“The area is accessible to everyone, all day, through a small door,” said Kuantan Tanjung Api Christian Cemetery Committee chairperson Datuk Jack How. “In all these years, we have never had any problems of this kind. Our guess is this occurred recently.”

The cemetery attack is the latest in a series of incidents against the Catholic community in Malaysia, where religious tensions have been on the rise.

Tensions are due to a confrontation between a Catholic weekly, the Malaysia Herald, its director Fr Andrew Lawrence, and the government over the use of the word Allah by non-Muslims.

In October, the Court of Appeal ruled that the Catholic weekly could not use the word Allah for the Christian God. The paper’s director appealed the decision, and a hearing is scheduled for 5 March.

“The priority today is to contain tensions,” said local senior Church leaders, who asked to remain anonymous. Things should become calm and quiet again, they insisted. “There is still much to do,” they added, given how delicate the situation is.

On the one hand, the goal is to protect the rights of the minority in court; on the other hand, everyone wants peaceful coexistence between the country’s various ethnic groups.

The nation of over 28 million people has a Muslim majority (60 per cent). Christians are the third largest religious group after Buddhists, with more than 2.6 million members

A Malay-Latin dictionary published 400 years ago shows that the term ‘Allah’ was used in the local language to refer to the Biblical God centuries ago.

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Sunday, February 9, 2014

Jordanian MP quotes Muhammad: Judgment Day will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews, and the Muslims will kill them

A few years ago, David Horowitz and I challenged the major Muslim organizations in the U.S. to repudiate this genocidal hadith. None would, and the few who commented at all offered nothing more than the usual propaganda about “taking it out of context,” implying that only greasy Islamophobes understood such passages as having an applicability to the present situation. Apparently Jordanian MP Zakaria al-Sheikh didn’t get the memo.
Meanwhile, MP Mousa Abu Sweilam says: “I would like to tell everybody that the Palestinian cause is an Islamic issue of the first degree.” This is the foremost point that John Kerry, Barack Obama and the entire Washington establishment refuses to grasp. Yet as long as people like Mousa Abu Sweilam and others believe that the existence of Israel is an insult to Islam that must be eradicated, no negotiated settlement will ever work. If Obama and Kerry force Israel to accept yet another one, it will fail almost immediately, with the concessions Israel is pushed into making becoming the basis for new jihad attacks.
“Antisemitic Remarks by Jordanian MPs during Debate of Kerry’s Initiative,” from MEMRI, February 3:
During a February 3, 2014 Jordanian parliamentary debate on U.S. Secretary of State Kerry’s peace efforts, MPs made various antisemitic comments, drawing upon Christian and Islamic textual sources. Following are excerpts, from the Al-Jazeera network and from the Internet:
MP Mousa Abu Sweilam: I would like to tell everybody that the Palestinian cause is an Islamic issue of the first degree. It is of concern to Muslims from Japan, America, and Britain, as well as to Palestinian Muslims, and Muslims from any country on the face of the Earth.

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UK Muslims killed in Syria lived secular lives, then grew more religious and went off to wage jihad

Here yet again we see Muslims who were not particularly religious and living relatively ordinary lives growing more religious and then turning to jihad. Yet religion is the one aspect of their motivation that British authorities, like their American counterparts, have forbidden themselves to examine.
“What drove a British estate agent and his maths tutor brother to die as jihadists? How seemingly decent young men are living terrifying doubles lives,” by David Jones in the Daily Mail, February 5:
When the father of Mohamed and Akram Sebah told his neighbours last September that his sons had died in a car crash while visiting America, a wave of grief swept through the North London square.
Many residents of this close-knit community in Holloway attended a wake at the family’s elegant, three-storey townhouse and later joined a procession to the nearby mosque.
They had greatly admired the brothers, and not only because they were unfailingly cheerful, helpful and polite.
Having gained impressive qualifications and forged successful careers, even though their parents had arrived here as refugees from strife-torn Eritrea in East Africa, they were inspirational young men who seemed to epitomise the British immigrant dream.
To fully grasp their status among neighbours in Cornwallis Square, particularly among the younger people for whom they were role models, I should briefly explain its social make-up.

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