Showing posts with label Clinton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clinton. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Romney: Bill Clinton ;Embarrassed the Nation, Shirked His Adult Responsibilities

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, appearing on NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday, was asked for his thoughts on the state of 2016 presidential politics and the renewed focus on the 1990's prompted by the prospect of Hillary Clinton candidacy. Romney said that, while Clinton’s record stands apart from that of her husband’s, former President Bill Clinton both “embarrassed the nation” and shirked his adult “responsibilities” as president.

Host David Gregory asked Romney if he thought it was fair for Hillary Clinton to be judged in any part on how Bill Clinton performed in office. “It’s interesting that the Republican Party now on its website is really resurrecting the ‘90's, and part of that message is keep the Clinton's out of the White House again,” Gregory said.

“I think Hillary Clinton, if she becomes a nominee will have plenty to discuss about her own record,” Romney replied. “I don’t imagine that Bill Clinton is going to be a big part of it.”

RELATED: Charlie Cook Wonders If Hillary Clinton Is Too Old to Run for President

Romney conceded that the 1990's were “positive economic times” for the nation, but that period was marked by darker moments as well.

“He embarrassed the nation,” Romney said. “He breached his responsibility, I think, as an adult and as a leader in his relationship. and I think that’s very unfortunate.”

He concluded, however, by noting that Bill Clinton’s indiscretions were not Hillary Clinton’s to explain.

Source: Mediaite
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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Coulter: Defending Clinton for Years Shows Feminists Aggressive Hypocrisy and Tyranny

Ann Coulter faced off yet again with Piers Morgan on Tuesday night, this time over the “Hillary papers” and whether it’s fair to judge a woman on the sins of her husband. What Coulter found more interesting was the feminist “hypocrisy” inherent in defending Bill Clinton‘s transgressions, whilst decrying the War on Women on the right. She also pointed to practically every questionable Democrat in the last few years, from John Edwards to Bob Filner to Eliot Spitzer to Anthony Weiner.

On the Hillary Clinton papers, Coulter said none of this is really that surprising, except maybe to “diehard Clinton supporters.” Morgan wondered why the former president’s indiscretions should have any impact on his wife’s potential presidential run. Coulter responded, “It’s undermining this entire idea of the Republican War on Women.”

She mockingly said NOW’s stance is “you get one free grope,” decrying “the utter aggressive hypocrisy and tyranny of the feminist movement” in how much it’s twisted and contorted to defend Clinton. Coulter explained the new rule is they don’t go after a man who took advantage of a young woman in the workplace “if it’s someone we like because he’s protecting abortion rights.”

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David Brooks Has Already Decided That President Hillary Clinton Isn't Leading

Anybody who’s ever read David Brooks knows he hangs every other column on the hook that all would be fine President Barack Obama would just “lead,” a nebulous concept by which Obama proposes exactly what he has already proposed but in such a way that the obstinate GOP House magically drops its ideological intransigence.
You may have gotten the sense that this was less a substantive critique of Obama than a portable, one-size-fits-all complaint meant to resolve the tension between Brook’s wonky policy prescriptions and his party’s hair-on-fire extremism. Brooks’ hypothetical on Meet the Press this morning of how Hillary Clinton becomes president should confirm that:
She’s got the process right. She’s got all the campaign staff, all the money. But that’s all relatively unimportant in the campaign. She doesn’t have the substance yet. How is she going to govern so it looks different than under Obama? How is she going to work with a Republican Congress?
Not “How is the legislative branch with the lowest approval ratings in its history, one-half of which is controlled by the party with the lowest approval ratings of its history, going to work with the enormously popular candidate?” but, “How will Clinton propose 10:1 entitlement cuts to revenue increases in a way that will make Tim Huelskamp happy?”
Thus are four-to-eight years of “Why won’t Hillary lead?” columns born.

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Petraeus: Clinton Would Make a Tremendous Presiden Because of Benghazi?

In the new book HRC, by The Hill’s Amie Parnes and Bloomberg’s Jonathan Allen, General David Petraeus praised Hillary Clinton as a potential president, specifically citing what many consider her biggest obstacle as a candidate: her role as Secretary of State overseeing the American compound in Benghazi when it was attacked in 2012.

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Saturday, February 8, 2014

Actress Elizabeth Hurley Denies Affair with Bill Clinton

Elizabeth Hurley is publicly denying that she engaged in a year-long love affair with former President Bill Clinton. The actress responded to a report from Radar Online Wednesday morning, calling the claims “ludicrously silly” and “totally untrue.”

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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Concha: Bill Clinton Pardoned, Tops Most Forgivable Liar Poll

We’ve been hearing a lot about the Second Amendment lately as it related to the gun issue.
But one amendment rarely mentioned is of the twenty-second variety. That’s the part of the Constitution that applies to presidential term limits (two). For instance, President Obama obviously can’t run for a third term, nor can Bill Clinton, despite not having been in office since 2001.
When setting aside ideology and the usual partisan BS, the former president is an interesting subject to study when it comes to his standing with many in the media and a strong majority of the American public alike. Mr. Obama may have run on hope and change, but the man from Hope (Arkansas) –despite being on the sidelines for 13 years — is easily the most popular politician in the country. And if, in some parallel universe, Mr. Clinton somehow got the chance to run against Mrs. Clinton, it would probably be no contest.
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GOP Candidate Admits It Was a Little Harsh to Compare Hillary Clinton to Antichrist

Montana State Senator Ryan Zinke recently raised some eyebrows for referring to Hillary Clinton as the Antichrist. After saying that last week, Zinke has now eased up on his language, sticking to the overall point but acknowledging that the comparison between a former First Lady, Secretary of State, and likely presidential contender in two years to the physical embodiment of pure evil was “a little harsh.”
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