Showing posts with label President. Show all posts
Showing posts with label President. Show all posts

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Why Cuba move will help America

(CNN) -- In opposing President Barack Obama's opening to Cuba, Florida's Republican senator, Marco Rubio, explained, "This entire policy shift announced today is based on an illusion, on a lie, the lie and the illusion that more commerce and access to money and goods will translate to political freedom for the Cuban people." Rubio has correctly touched on the core issue. But theory, logic and history suggest that he's wrong in his conclusions.
I would recommend to Rubio one of the classics of conservative thought, Milton Friedman's "Capitalism and Freedom." He doesn't have to spend too much time on it. The first chapter outlines the "relation between economic freedom and political freedom."
The point Friedman makes in the book is one that America's founding fathers well understood. Drawing on the political philosopher John Locke, they believed that the freedom to buy, sell, own and trade were core elements of human freedom and individual autonomy. As they expand, liberty expands.
fareed zakaria in studio
fareed zakaria in studio
Behind the Cuba policy deal Obama discusses Cuba relations Many Cubans welcome closer ties with U.S.
This is not just theory, of course. Over the last two centuries, the countries that embraced "more commerce and access to money and goods" in Rubio's phrase -- Britain, America, then Western Europe and East Asia -- have moved toward greater prosperity, but also political freedom. If you exclude oil-rich countries, where money is not earned but dug from the ground, almost every country that has used free markets and free trade to grow is also a democracy.
Yes there are a few exceptions: Singapore and China (though the latter is still not quite a developed economy.) But on the whole, there has been a remarkably strong connection between economic freedom and political freedom.
In Latin America itself, the line has been clear. Augusto Pinochet's regime opened up its economy in the 1970s. Chile began to grow, but that growth then produced a stronger civil society that over time clamored for the end of the Pinochet dictatorship. (The same pattern could be seen in Taiwan, South Korea, Spain and Portugal.) In Latin America today, democracy and markets have acted to reinforce each other, transforming the continent, which 30 years ago was almost entirely ruled by dictatorships to one that is today almost entirely ruled by democracies.
Cuba is an outlier, one of the last regimes in Latin America that has embraced neither markets nor ballots. The Obama administration is acting on the theory that more commerce, capitalism, contact, travel and trade will empower the people of Cuba and thus give them a greater voice in their political future. And so the first point to make is that it will help Cubans economically -- it will raise their incomes, their standard of living, and boost access to technology. These are all good things in and of themselves.

But easing the embargo will also help Americans, who will benefit from being able to trade with a neighbor. This is the reason that conservatives have long understood that free trade is not a gift bestowed on someone. It helps both countries and in particular, helps the United States.
That's why the Wall Street Journal's editorial page -- bastion of conservative thought -- has been an advocate on lifting the trade embargo against Cuba, which is a far larger step than Obama's normalization.
So, did it support Obama's opening? Of course not. It turns out that he has done it in the wrong way. It is difficult not to think that the problem here is not the policy, but who the president is. Had George W. Bush announced this initiative, I have a feeling that the Wall Street Journal would be hailing it -- and Rubio would be quoting Milton Friedman to us all.


Monday, March 3, 2014

Uruguayan president willing to mediate in Venezuela's conflict

"In order to avoid a more serious conflict of such a nature, I will go anywhere if necessary," said the Uruguayan president, as he underlined that he did not intend to interfere in this matter uninvited.

Uruguayan President José Mujica is willing to mediate in the Venezuelan crisis, and do anything he can to achieve peace between the parties in conflict, weekly newspaper Búsqueda informed.

"In order to avoid a more serious conflict of such a nature, I will go anywhere if necessary," said Mujica, as he underlined that he did not intend to interfere in this matter uninvited.

Mujica also called for peace, the defense of freedom of expression and peaceful demonstrations.

Last week, dissenters urged Mujica to intervene in the conflict considering his good relations with the Venezuelan government and the fact that he is well respected at the international level.

Source: El Universal
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Friday, February 21, 2014

President Obama Apologizes for Dissing Art History Degrees

If you got a degree in art history, your eye might have twitched a bit when President Obama said a few weeks ago that Americans would be more well off in the manufacturing industry as opposed to, say, having an art history degree. Well, there is literally nothing these days that doesn’t warrant an apology, and now Obama has apologized for that remark.

Art historian and University of Texas at Austin professor Ann Collins Johns sent a message on the White House website taking offense at Obama’s remarks, explaining the importance of art history and how art historians can help enrich the culture.

Well, apparently, they actually do read those website messages, because Johns received a response from the president personally apologizing for the remark. Here it is in full:


Let me apologize for my off-the-cuff remarks. I was making a point about the jobs market, not the value of art history. As it so happens, art history was one of my favorite subjects in high school, and it has helped me take in a great deal of joy in my life that I might otherwise have missed.
So please pass on my apology for the glib remark to the entire department, and understand that I was trying to encourage young people who may not be predisposed to a four year college experience to be open to technical training that can lead them to an honorable career.

Barack Obama

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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Kirsten Powers: I'm Tired of Having to Defend This President over Obamacare

KIRSTEN POWERS: Well, I think his explanation is probably the true explanation, that they need to do this, but at the same time, it's now gotten to the point where it seems like there's an exemption made for pretty much everybody except for individuals. A lot of people who have really been screwed over by the law, you know, who are left without insurance or with extremely expensive insurance. So, I think that Ron Fournier of The National Journal wrote something that ran today about --

BRET BAIER: This was after he expressed himself last night on the panel.

POWERS: The headline is why I'm getting tired of defending Obamacare. And I'm going to say amen, brother, because it's exactly how I feel. People who have supported the law, who support universal health care, are constantly put in the position of having to defend this president, who has really incompetently put this together, rolled it out, and that's why he has to do this. It's why he has to keep doing this, because it's not working.

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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

David Brooks Has Already Decided That President Hillary Clinton Isn't Leading

Anybody who’s ever read David Brooks knows he hangs every other column on the hook that all would be fine President Barack Obama would just “lead,” a nebulous concept by which Obama proposes exactly what he has already proposed but in such a way that the obstinate GOP House magically drops its ideological intransigence.
You may have gotten the sense that this was less a substantive critique of Obama than a portable, one-size-fits-all complaint meant to resolve the tension between Brook’s wonky policy prescriptions and his party’s hair-on-fire extremism. Brooks’ hypothetical on Meet the Press this morning of how Hillary Clinton becomes president should confirm that:
She’s got the process right. She’s got all the campaign staff, all the money. But that’s all relatively unimportant in the campaign. She doesn’t have the substance yet. How is she going to govern so it looks different than under Obama? How is she going to work with a Republican Congress?
Not “How is the legislative branch with the lowest approval ratings in its history, one-half of which is controlled by the party with the lowest approval ratings of its history, going to work with the enormously popular candidate?” but, “How will Clinton propose 10:1 entitlement cuts to revenue increases in a way that will make Tim Huelskamp happy?”
Thus are four-to-eight years of “Why won’t Hillary lead?” columns born.

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Geraldo Attacks O'Reilly over Contentious Obama Interview: You Minimized the President!

Geraldo Rivera took on Bill O’Reilly Friday night over whether O’Reilly was disrespectful to President Obama in their big Super Bowl interview. Rivera gave O’Reilly some benefit of the doubt, but other than that thought O’Reilly was a bit too confrontational and didn’t give Obama the kind of respect a president normally deserves.
Rivera argued it was less like an interview and more like a meeting of the minds with the “President of Most of the White Guys of America” (O’Reilly) against the president of the rest of the country, and told O’Reilly that it was out of line for him to refer to Obama as a “community organizer.”
He said it was “unsettling to watch,” and the president deserves “all the respect and dignity” of the office. O’Reilly fired back that his job is not to please, it’s to “get information” and ask “the tough questions,” and believed that he gave enough deference and respect to the office of the presidency.
Rivera concluded that the larger point O’Reilly made about inner-city families was “obscured” by how he “minimized” the president.

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Sunday, February 9, 2014

Biden: Hey, I don’t know of a reason not to run for President

To a certain extent a VP running for the top job is essentially vowing to keep the legacy of the previous POTUS moving forward. Does Joe Biden really want to be defending the Obama administration during the Dem primaries. And I’d love to see Joe Biden defend the way he so botched negotiations that he failed to get a SOFA treaty with Iraq (it was intentional but create the lie/ live with the lie).
Hillary and Joe debating which one is least mediocre would be some prime-time entertainment. Especially if Joe “goes there” and brings up Killary’s body count as SecState.
Happy Nomad on February 7, 2014 at 8:23 AM
Please run, Dr. Pepper Stand Up Chuck.
22044 on February 7, 2014 at 8:23 AM
Party of old white men
Lost in Jersey on February 7, 2014 at 8:24 AM
He looks like a corpse.
PrettyMooch on February 7, 2014 at 8:26 AM
Well, here are a few reasons.
Those aren’t reasons not to run. Those are reasons not to support.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Everyone should run if they really want to. Getting the nomination is another story, but if he did get it, that certainly means a sizable segment of the public thinks he’s the best representative of the party.
Heck, the way things appear to be heading, I’d urge not only Biden to run but a half dozen other to do so to, too. The more the merrier because a good donnybrook is better than a forgone conclusion any day of the week.
The same goes for the Republican side.
Dusty on February 7, 2014 at 8:26 AM
Run Plugs, Run!
WarEagle01 on February 7, 2014 at 8:30 AM
Boom –
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