Showing posts with label Years. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Years. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Coulter: Defending Clinton for Years Shows Feminists Aggressive Hypocrisy and Tyranny

Ann Coulter faced off yet again with Piers Morgan on Tuesday night, this time over the “Hillary papers” and whether it’s fair to judge a woman on the sins of her husband. What Coulter found more interesting was the feminist “hypocrisy” inherent in defending Bill Clinton‘s transgressions, whilst decrying the War on Women on the right. She also pointed to practically every questionable Democrat in the last few years, from John Edwards to Bob Filner to Eliot Spitzer to Anthony Weiner.

On the Hillary Clinton papers, Coulter said none of this is really that surprising, except maybe to “diehard Clinton supporters.” Morgan wondered why the former president’s indiscretions should have any impact on his wife’s potential presidential run. Coulter responded, “It’s undermining this entire idea of the Republican War on Women.”

She mockingly said NOW’s stance is “you get one free grope,” decrying “the utter aggressive hypocrisy and tyranny of the feminist movement” in how much it’s twisted and contorted to defend Clinton. Coulter explained the new rule is they don’t go after a man who took advantage of a young woman in the workplace “if it’s someone we like because he’s protecting abortion rights.”

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McGruff the Crime Dog Actor Sentenced to 16 Years for Pot, Grenade Launcher

John Morales, an actor who has portrayed McGruff the Crime Dog, was sentenced last week to sixteen years in prison for multiple drug and weapons charges.
Authorities pulled over Morales, 41, for speeding in 2011, and a drug-sniffing actual dog quickly alerted police to more serious crimes.
Cops found blueprints for pot-growing facilities sitting on his front seat, and a later search of his home turned up over 1,000 marijuana plants, 9,000 rounds of ammunition and twenty-seven weapons, the most of troubling of which was probably the grenade launcher.
Morales pleaded guilty, but the judge was unswayed by his insistence that he was non-violent.

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