Showing posts with label change. Show all posts
Showing posts with label change. Show all posts

Friday, February 21, 2014

Pat Robertson Calls Climate Change Idiocy Because It's Cold Outside

Televangelist Pat Robertson may have admitted that it’s “nonsense” to think the Earth is only 6,000 years old, but the climate change debate is another story altogether. On The 700 Club Tuesday, used the now-classic “but it’s cold outside” defense to explain why he believes it’s “idiocy” to believe that the planet is getting warmer.

Robertson was reacting to recent comments by Secretary of State John Kerry, who compared climate change to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and other major threats the planet will face in the coming years. “I don’t know where Kerry has been spending his time,” the host said, “but maybe he’s so wealthy they have a special house that has tropical plants in it so he feels like he’s in the tropics, but for the rest of us, it’s been cold as the Dickens!”

“It’s idiocy and they’re laughing at people who go outside and it’s freezing!” Robertson continued, before listing ambiguous records that have been broken this winter and all the flights that have been canceled due to snow. Kerry’s “agenda,” according to Robertson, is to “take control of industry” in America and give “one more victory” to the “socialists.”

RELATED: Gingrich Calls on ‘Delusional’ Kerry to Resign: ‘Dangerous to Our Safety’

For anyone like Robertson who’s confused about the difference between climate and the weather, Bill Nye “the Science Guy” gave a clear and concise explanation on Real Time with Bill Maher this past Friday. “Climate is the big picture, weather is day-to-day,” Nye told Bill Maher. In other words, the climate can be heating up, but it can still be “cold as the Dickens” outside.

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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

GOP Rep Clashes with Bill Nye, David Gregory over How to Address Climate Change

Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) appeared on Meet the Press on Sunday to debate former television host Bill Nye about the effects of climate change and how best to address those impacts through public policy. Blackburn also spent much of the interview debating Meet the Press host David Gregory who asked a series of pointed questions of the GOP representative which challenged her underlying assumptions.

Gregory began by citing a post in The Atlantic which summarized the Republican position on man-made global warming as acknowledging it exists but being wary of the proposed remedies which would negatively impact economic growth. “The fix can be very expensive in the short-term for long-term gain,” Gregory said.

Blackburn countered by asserting that “there is not consensus” that a slight increase in carbon in the atmosphere has resulted in widespread environmental effects. She cited a series of academic reports that challenge the notion of consensus.

Gregory interrupted the congresswoman and insisted that there is, in fact, consensus and that energy providers are actively attempting to manage their emissions. “The issue is what actions are taken and would they really work,” Gregory insisted.

RELATED: Bill Nye, Maher Tear Into Creationism: We Can’t Have ‘Scientifically Illiterate’ Kids

“The congresswoman is trying to introduce doubt,” Nye insisted, “in the whole idea of climate change.”

Gregory agreed and said that the east coast is regularly dealing with “the realities” of climate change after a series of weather events. He asked how those governments should deal with those weather events which are the result of climate change.

Blackburn said there are “social costs” of carbon emissions, but there are also benefits relating to agricultural production. She concluded by noting that U.S. carbon emissions are as low as they have been since 1994, but they are on the rise in other nations and any solution to that issue must be a global one.

Source: Mediaite
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Bob Schieffer to GOP Gov: You Still Think Climate Change Is in God's Hands?

Today was a big deal for climate change, especially on the Sunday shows, and on Face the Nation, Bob Schieffer put North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory on the spot when he asked him point-blank if he still believes, as he said years ago, that climate change is just “in God’s hands” and there’s not much humans can do to stop it.

Back in 2008, McCrory said that while he believes in cleaning the environment, “there are some things that are out of our control. It’s in God’s hands.”

Schieffer brought up those remarks today and asked, “After going through this thing, you still feel that way and is there something we ought to be doing about it in the meantime?”

McCrory said that quote was taken out of context, telling Schieffer he believes in climate change, but the debate is over “how much of it is man-made and how much it will cost to have any impact on climate change.”

Source: Mediaite
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Monday, February 10, 2014

Did Lerner and Treasury attempt to secretly change rules to target conservatives?

Barack Obama’s insistence that the IRS scandal of targeting conservative political groups contained “not even a smidgen” of corruption may get tested this week, as new information comes out about why Lois Lerner may have taken the Fifth in a Congressional hearing. According to a memo released by the House Ways and Means Committee, Lerner worked secretly with Treasury to create new 501(c)(4) rules that would have made such targeting even easier — without letting the public know about it. Fox News reported this morning that the committee plans to take this matter up pronto, while the panel’s Democrats object to the line of inquiry:

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The Daily Caller had the story late yesterday:
The Obama administration’s Treasury Department and former IRS official Lois Lerner conspired to draft new 501(c)(4) regulations to restrict the activity of conservative groups in a way that would not be disclosed publicly, according to the House Committee on Ways and Means.
The Treasury Department and Lerner started devising the new rules.

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