Showing posts with label Kelly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kelly. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Megyn Kelly Clashes with Carville over Obama's Shots at Fox: Bush Never Did This About MSNBC!

Megyn Kelly squared off with James Carville on Tuesday about President Obama taking multiple snipes at Fox News during his big Super Bowl interview with Bill O’Reilly, with Kelly telling Carville that George W. Bush never complained this much about MSNBC when he was in office.
The segment kicked off with Carville brushing off Hillary Clinton‘s Super Bowl Sunday tweet about seeing someone else “getting blitzed and sacked,” dismissing it as a joke that people really shouldn’t be reading int.
But things got more heated when Kelly brought up Obama’s comments, finding it a little silly for the president to be taking such broad shots at a cable network.
“Is it embarrassing enough for the President of the United States to be complaining about a cable channel? I mean, President Bush never did this about MSNBC!”
Carville shot back that the Bush team was always complaining about the liberal media, and told Kelly that Fox News needs to stop being so defensive every time he says Fox is a right-wing network and just embrace their identity. Kelly just thought it was silly for Obama to be “complaining about his coverage when he’s got most of the mainstream media in his pocket.”

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