Showing posts with label Vice-President. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vice-President. Show all posts

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Food Security VP: "In Venezuela there is plenty of everything"

The official said there are enough raw materials for producing goods and meeting demand for the next four months

Venezuelan Vice-President of Food Security and Sovereignty Carlos Osorio asserted that Venezuela relies on enough raw materials in stock to produce and fulfill the needs of the population in January-April.

"The thing is that some people are interested in making us believe there is no food in Venezuela. In Venezuela there is plenty of everything," the official noted.

"We will take any actions we deem necessary under the rule of law," to secure food distribution, he said. In this regard, Osorio called for compliance with the Law on Food Security and Sovereignty.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Sicad 2 starts up on Monday, March 24

According to Venezuelan Vice-President for Economic Affairs Rafael Ramírez, the scheme is being tested with the help of financial brokers

Thursday March 20, 2014  03:11 PM
The second Ancillary Foreign Currency Administration System (Sicad 2) will start operations on Monday, March 24, as reported by Venezuelan Vice-President for Economic Affairs Rafael Ramírez.

"Sicad 2 will start up on Monday, March 24, upon completion of all the testing of the system together with operators," the senior officer twitted.

Minutes later, he said on state-run TV channel VTV that there will not be middlemen in the scheme and that demand "would be satisfied with supply." He clarified that there will not be ceiling for the foreign currency coming in the system and that there is enough to meet the stock market. Ramírez commented that public banks and the oil sector have been authorized to place financial instruments in that market.

Ramírez added that he had met with the operators authorized to start operations "perfectly" that day. He promised a meeting on Friday with brokerage firms.