Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Brunei: Propagating religion other than Islam a crime under Sharia
“Propagating religion other than Islam a crime under Syariah law,” from the Brunei Times, February 14 (thanks to Twostellas):
PRIVATE education institutions have been cautioned against propagating religions other than Islam as it is a crime under the Syariah Penal Code Order.
During a briefing in Tutong on the law yesterday, legal experts from the Ministry of Religious Affairs and the Prime Minister’s Office told 300 representatives of private education institutions it was an offence to propagate religions other than Islam to a Muslim or atheist.
The offence is punishable by a fine of up to $20,000, imprisonment for up to five years or both under Section 209.
Exposing beliefs and practices other than Islam to a Muslim child, or a child whose parents are atheist, carries the same punishment.
Under Section 212, it is an offence to “persuade, tell, cause, offer payment to, influence, incite, encourage or let” the child accept such teachings.
Additionally, it is a crime to expose the child to any ceremony, act of worship or religious activity of any religion beside Islam, or to participate in any activity held for the benefit of other religions.
Several provisions relating to the publication, possession and distribution of materials that propagate religions other than Islam are also included in Brunei Darussalam’s Syariah Penal Code Order.
This law applies to both Muslims and non-Muslims. However, there are certain offences that are applicable only to Muslims.
Brunei is set to enforce the first phase of the new law in April, ushering in Ta’zir or general offences that are punishable by fines, imprisonment or both.
Harsher punishments for serious crimes, such as amputation of limbs for stealing, will be introduced in the second phase, while the death penalty will only come into force in the third phase, pending the finalisation of the Syariah Courts Criminal Procedure Code Order.
Assistant Director of Private Institutions Section at the Ministry of Education Pg Othman Pg Mohd Daud said the new law would “ensure the prosperity, well-being, peace and solidarity” of the people in the Sultanate.
Pg Othman, in his speech at the briefing, said the Syariah Penal Code Order would serve as a platform to overcome the negative problems and challenges brought about by the “rapid development of a borderless world”….
Source: Jihadwatch
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Friday, February 7, 2014
U.S. top nuclear negotiator admits that Iran can continue developing ballistic missiles under nuke deal
“Iranian Ballistic Missile Program Can Continue Under Deal,” by Adam Kredo for the Washington Free Beacon, February 4:
The U.S.’s top nuclear negotiator admitted on Tuesday that Iran could continue developing ballistic missiles under the recently inked nuclear accord meant to scale back Tehran’s nuclear program.
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Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Jeopardy! Champ Under Fire for Daring to Have a Brain and Strategy
I don’t even… just… sigh.
What exactly did Chu do to warrant outrage for doing well on Jeopardy!? Well, believe it or not, he actually studied past games online and built a strategy based on it.
“I can understand it’s less pleasant to watch,” Chu told ABCNews.com of his tactics that utilize “game theory” economics, “but the producers weren’t paying me to make the show pleasant to watch. If you were playing for fun, you could talk about poor sportsmanship, but within the rules, it’s about winning. If you don’t like it, change the rules.”
“Who is this dude that ruins the organization of the #Jeopardy board by hunting down the Daily Doubles? You give me a headache,” one Jeopardy fan tweeted about Chu on Thursday.
Another viewer tweeted, “This is the face of a Jeopardy villain.
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