Showing posts with label Shameless. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shameless. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

GOP Sen. Mike Lee: Obamacare Delays a Shameless Power Grab by Obama

During an extended discussion on Fox News Sunday about where President Barack Obama derives the authority to unilaterally delay provisions of the Affordable Care Act. Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) told Fox anchor Chris Wallace that he believed the president’s delays amount to a “shameless power grab.”

Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-CA) told Wallace that Obama altering aspects of the law are within his discretion and they are designed to help Americans to more effectively comply with the law.

Lee disagreed. “This is a shameless act, a shameless power grab that is designed to help the president and his political party achieve a particular outcome in a partisan election,” the senator asserted. “The Constitution doesn’t give the president that power.”

RELATED: Wallace Grills Dem Rep over Whether Obama has Authority to Delay Obamacare

“The solution is for the president to come to Congress and make the case to Congress on the policy merits of this question that Congress needs to act,” Lee continued. “It is not the president’s prerogative to simply make this the law by the stroke of the executive pen.”

Source: Mediaite
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