Showing posts with label Parlatino. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Parlatino. Show all posts

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Parlatino upholds by unanimity visit of Unasur's committee to Venezuela

The group's Vice-President Roy Daza pointed out that Unasur's resolution supports three pillars: "It strongly condemns violence in Venezuela," supports "democracy and Venezuela's democratic institutions," and finally approves the creation a "a Foreign Ministers Committee to accompany, support, and advise on the building of a constructive and wide political dialogue"

Tuesday March 18, 2014  04:15 PM
The Venezuelan Parliamentary Group for the Latin American Parliament (Parlatino) unanimously endorsed a resolution from the Union of South American States (Unasur) during its Special Meeting of Foreign Ministers. The resolution provides for the establishment of a Foreign Ministers Committee to visit Venezuela in order to assess and collaborate along with national political forces in the peace talks expected to end violent actions in Venezuela.

The group's Vice-President Roy Daza pointed out that Unasur's resolution supports three pillars: "It strongly condemns  violence in Venezuela," supports "democracy and Venezuela's democratic institutions," and finally approves the creation a "a Foreign Ministers Committee to accompany, support, and advise in the building of a constructive and wide political dialogue, oriented to restore peaceful coexistence."