Showing posts with label Ludicrous. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ludicrous. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

McCain Rips Candy Crowley's Ludicrous Claim That U.S. Could Make War in Syria Worse

Appearing on CNN’s State of the Union with Candy Crowley on Sunday morning, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) criticized the administration for allowing the Syrian civil war to expand across its borders and for letting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad reassert control over that country. McCain dismissed Crowley’s suggestion that any U.S. involvement in that country’s current conflict could make it any worse than it is already.

Crowley said to McCain that there were humanitarian crises going on all over the world, but figures in the U.S. seem more concerned with involving themselves in the Syrian crisis more than in other countries.

“You say is what is worse than doing nothing? Maybe doing harm,” Crowley said. “Do you entertain the possibility that some harm could happen if we increase more harm could happen if we increased it? Help. Military aid.”

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“Candy, with all due respect, that’s ludicrous,” McCain replied. He said the U.S. is providing aid to areas in conflict in Africa, but that the U.S. has a clear strategic interest in not allowing the region to grow more unstable. He added that the U.S. could be drawn into a worse conflict if this now is allowed to go unaddressed.

“The second battle of Fallujah, we lost 96 marines and soldiers, 600 wounded, and now the black flags of Al Qaeda are flying over Fallujah,” McCain concluded. “Disgraceful.”

Source: Mediaite
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